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Taehyung's POV

"Hey Minah!"

[Sup Tae]

"So how's it been on becoming a famous idol who wiggles there butts all over the place XD"

[Hahaha Yah fuck you Kim Taehyung, Hmm.. it's okay but tiring.. how 'bout you?]

"Well yura is helping me on moving on.."

[Oh.. that's good well gotta go manager calling]

"Kk bye"

[Byeee. Yeah yeah! I'm coming! I'm not a fucking race car to be there really quick!]

Call ended..

Hmm.. that's odd, you can curse your manager?

I heard a knock on the door and quickly opened it

"HEY TAEHYUNG!" And they grouped hugged me

"We missed you you big ball of weirdness!"

"Yeah we missed you a lot"

"GUYS GET OFF OF ME!!" I yelled at them and they hastily got off

"Yah! All these years your still loud" Jungkook said while pouting

"I'm only loud when i get irritated" I said coldly

"Hey we haven't seen you since graduation.." Namjoon said

"Yeah and college too.. didn't you miss us?" Jin asked

"I didn't miss any of you haha" I said sarcastically

"Hahaha so you didn't miss me?"

Wh-What!? I thought you were...


Yeah so there will be an epilogue part 2 hahaha i'm so evil

Soooo the sequel will be posted next week..

In the meantime guess who was the last person..

Love you all! ♡

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