Chapter 18

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Taehyung's POV

"Ooohh... Jungkookie is going crazy in the inside i can feel it mwahahaha!" I teased Jungkook which made Jungkook blush

"Oooh.. you want to seduce Jin too?" Minah said (A/N maybe this can be book 2? Seducing my neighbor? Hihihihihihi...)

"Yah!" Jungkook pouted

"Okay so guys i would like to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow night" Yoongi said cooly

And we just nodded "Dress like you got sweg guys... people with no jams can come to" Yoongi said teasingly to Jimin "Yey!" Jimin exclaimed sarcastically while hus arms are up i the air like: \(^O^)/

We just laughed at the Jimin's reaction. Jin came back and had to sit beside the blushing Jungkook because there are no vacant spaces left

I nudged Jungkook and motioned my eyebrows up and down. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as if he understood our eye contact

Lunch time was over so we had to go back to classes..

It was a really boring class and it's dismissal time... i went outside of the classroom and waited for Jimin. He arrived a few seconds ago and walked to our dormitories

As we were walking to our dormitories Minah and Jungkook came to me "Yah Jimin can we borrow Jungkook?" Minah said to Jimin. Jimin looked at me and i looked at him he gave me a always-be- careful look and he nodded at the two

Minah and Jungkook harshly dragged me out of school grounds

"Yah! Where are you guys taking me!?" I yelled "We're going to the mall to buy clothes for tomorrow night" Minah said and got a cab

We got in the cab and the driver went to our destination

"Yeah can go without me?" I asked irritatedly "No, you need clothes also so yeah.." Jungkook said

We arrived at the mall and went directly to the department store. We picked out clothes and accesories and shit

After we finished shopping we went to a Chinese restaurant and ate

"So how are you and Jimin doing?" Jungkook asked "Well we're good but this girl always come to Jimin i believe it's his ex" I said. Minah widened her eyes "Yah Taehyung that girl is bad news.. don't let Jimin go near her" Minah exclaimed "Because that's how me and my boyfriend broke up, he realized that he still loves his ex blah blah blah"

After we ate we went home to our dorm as i opened door i got shocked

"Jimin how could you...."


Uh-oh what's gonna happen next..
So yeah yehet! Double update :D

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