Chapter 3

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Taehyung's POV

4 months later..

"Yah! Taehyung" Minah screamed as i was day dreaming again "What?" I asked "Oohh... You're thinking about Jimin again huh!?" She said aish... okay i have a little crush on him even though we don't socialize..
"Taehyung look! Jimin!" She said as she was pointing to the door. I raised an eyebrow "Psh yeah right" I said

Well for the past 4 months we never really talked all i did was gave him annoyed looks.. because well I hate playboys but at the same time i love Jimin. I don't know why..

It was the end of classes and i said goodbye to Minah and headed to my dorm

I opened the door and i saw Jimin making out with another girl

He looked at me while i gave him an angry look. Why? Because... i'm jelous okay? Happy?

I went upstairs harshly and slammed the door and cried

I don't know why i'm crying.. is it because i'm jelous wow that's so cheap Taehyung! But i can't help it..

Moments later i heard a faint knock on the door

"Taehyung?" Jimin "What do you want!?" I screamed "Can we talk?" Jimin "No!" I responded "Please?" Jimin

I annoyingly got off my bed and wiped my tears

"What do you want?" Me "Well i was just gonna ask-- Wait are you crying?" Jimin "No. What do you want?" Me "Well i was just gonna ask you that why are you so mad at me?" Jimin. BECAUSE I'M JELOUS!!! I LOVE YOU PARK JIMIN! I LOVE YOU! "Because i hate playboys. Is that all?" Me "Ohh.. well I'm not a bad playboy you know? I'm a good playboy hehehe" Jimin "I don't care what kind of playboy you are, i just hate playboys" Me "Well i'm not use to people disliking me i mean.. everybody likes me hehehe" Jimin "okay bye" Me. I closed the door and continued crying. FUCK YOU JIMIN FUCK YOU! WHY!? WHY OF ALL PEOPLE I CAN FALL INLOVE WITH, WHY A PLAYBOY!? DAMMIT!!

I said to myself and cried myself to sleep..

Jimin's POV

Yah Kim Taehyung i will make you like me. By Seducing you Hahahahahahahaha! I'm just not use to it. People disliking me i mean I'm The Park Jimin. The basketball star, The hottest guy in the university and The Legend no one can deny me..

I got on my bed and went to sleep..
But I'm not serious on that seducing shit what the fuck? Hahaha

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