Chapter 5

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Taehyung's POV

Oh My God i can't believe i did that. I said to myself

Calling Minah GangBang...


Yah! I did it! Waaaa!

[Jinja!? Hahahaha okay good good]

What to do next?

[I will just text it to you. OMG i can't believe you did it hahaha! Did tou show him your legs?]


[Wahahahahaha! I'm practically dying here! Hahahahaha! That's good that's good keep it up hahaha]

Okay Asshole..

[Hahaha KK bye Bitch]

Call ended...

Well if this what i have to do to get Jimin but this is soooo not my nature

And i got the text from Minah on what to do next and i'm not amused..

The next day..

Jimin's POV

I woke up because Taehyung is shaking me violently

"Yah! Jiminie we're going to be late!"

"Five more minutes..." I said still half asleep

He stopped shaking me but what he did next what really woke me up
"If you don't wake up, I'm going to kiss you" and that sat on my bed while there was still a trail of my saliva going through my neck "I'm up! I'm up!" I said

"Haha good, now jiminie eat your breakfast and get ready for school"

I lazily got off my bed and went straight to the dining table and ate my cereal

While i was eating my cereal Taehyung went out of the bathroom with only a a robe

He picked up his lotion from the counter and began rubbing lotion on his..

Soft,smooth,milky legs~

Wait! No! Jimin your straight!
(A/N: Yeah.. so is your dick)

I looked at my shorts


I looked at Taehyung and again and stares at his legs..

He caught me staring at his legs and i quickly averted my gaze

Shit. What is happening to me..

Taehyung's POV

I went upstairs to my room and locked the door

Oh my God! This is so frustrating! I'm not used to this shit! My goodness..

I put on my uniform and went downstairs and saw jimin with hus uniform on. Wow that was fast

"Let's go jiminie" I appealed
"Yeah.. you go on ahead" He said "Okay" I said and went out of the dorm

Jimin's POV

Yeah i need help..

Later i'm gonna talk to namjoon about this..

I got my bag and went out of the dorm and went to my classes..

Lunch time

Taehyung's POV

"Minah... i can't take it anymore! I'm so frustrated!" I quietly yelled

"Yah! Taehyung! Don't give up you're so close. I can feel it" Minah said while clenching her fist in the air

"Really? I don't think it has any effect on him" I said "Trust me it will" She said while smiling like an idiot

I scooped a spoonfull of rice in my mouth and put it inside my mouth to relieve the stress. HEY! FOOD RELIEVES MY STRESS!

"So what's your next move Taehyung?" She asked "I don't know.." I answered "Well wanna go to the court later? Namjoon invited me" She asked "Wait a minute. Namjoon invited you?" I asked "Uh.. yeah" She answered "Hmm... interesting.. okay" I said

We ate our food and proceed to our classrooms since lunch time is over

Time lapse:Basketball court

Jimin's POV

"And that's what happened" I'm talking to namjoon and told him what was going on

"Hmm... well i think he's seducing you" Namjoon said 'What? Seducing me? No way" I said "Well i think so i mean who would do that? Bro he's seducing you" Namjoon said "Woah woah woah I'm Park Jimin i'm the one who should be seducing not the one who is being seduced" I said "Well go for it" He said

The coach blew his whistle meaning time for practice AGAIN

Taehyung's POV

We're on our way to the court while Minah is dragging me

We arrived at the court and sat on the bleachers

Jimin's POV

Shit! Taehyung is here.. what am i gonna do? He might pull one of his acts here

I see Taehyung is with a friend.. Oh wait is that Minah? Namjoon's Girlfriend, Well maybe Namjoon invited them. WHY!? NAMJOON! WHY!?

Taehyung's POV

A couple of girls went in the court and went straight to jimin

"Hi oppa" A girl said

"Psh Bitches" i whispered

"Yah Taehyung this is your chance" Minah said "What?" I queationed "This is what your gonna do"

Jimin's POV

"Hi oppa" A girl said
"Hey" I said and winked and they all swooned "Oppa umm.. later wanna come to my house an--" She was cut off when Taehyung came towards me. Oh no...

"Jiminie~ can i borrow your keys? i forgot mine in the dorm" He said cutely Fuck! "Why?" Shit! Why did i have to ask!? "Please~" He said while pouting and intwining his fingers on the end of my jersey

I quickly get my key from my pocket and handed it to him

"Thank you Jiminie~" He said while eye smiling VERY cutely Shit what is happening to me!?

Before he went outside he gave a death glare to the girls and they practically got scared and ran off

I see at the corner of my eye Namjoon trying to hold his Laughter

"Yah! Fuck you!" I cursed and threw him the basketball but he dodged it


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