Special Chapter(Jimin's past)

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Please read the author's note at the bottom. Kamsa~

Jimin's POV

I'm so excited! It's our 1st anniversary of my girlfriend suzy, i can't wait

I decided to wake up early to prepare for our special day

I rented the park that we first met and decorated the trees with lollipops and the grass with colorfull stuff. I made my workers that the park should look like a candy wonderland because she likes candy so much

Flash back

I found a little girl crying at the swing set. I ran to the kid and said "Hey little girl what's your name?" She rubbed her eyes and sobbed "Park Shinhye" She answered "Why are you crying Shinhye?" I asked while kneeled down "I got lost.." She said anr cried harder. I picked her up and rubbed her back "Shh... don't cry Jimin oppa is here" She went quiet and she screamed

"Unnie!!" I turned around and saw a Beautiful girl come towards us "Oh thank you for Saving my little sister" She thanked me "No problem i'm glad to help" I said while putting shinhye down "Unnie he saw me crying at the swings and he comforted me" Shinhye said and held her left hand "Yah shinhye don't ever wander by yourself arasso?" She said in a bossy tone. Shinhye just nodded in response

"Oh umm.. thank you again. I'm Suzy" She offered her right hand "Jimin" I shook her hand

End of flash back

I love suzy so much that i would die if she was gone

The chef prepared the food that she loved and the park looked like candy paradise

Everything is set i just have to call her

Calling: My candy queen...

[Sorry your call is out of coveage area please--]

Ugh. I hate those machines but where could suzy be? Maybe she just don't want to answer her phone because she wants to suprise me.. yeah that's it

2 hours later..

Yeah she will come she must running late..

2 more hours later..

It's just traffic yeah i heard there's traffic along the way..

3 more hours later

"Hey! Your rental time is up" The manager of the park said "Please just two more hours please.." I begged "Mmm.. Okay goodluck on your date that will never come" He snorted

No! She will come i just know it.. please suzy you'll come right?

1 hour later

Maybe she forgot about that today is our anniversary.. maybe she is just tired the whole day, yeah. I will come by to her house tomorrow...

I left the park and told the workers that take all the decorations down. They looked at me with a sad face

I went to my dorm and slept

Next morning

"Suzy? Suzy? Suzy? Suuuzzyy??" I knocked at their gate. A maid opened the door "Yes? How may i help you?" She said "Umm.. where is suzy? I'm her boyfriend" I said "Oh Ms. Suzy left yesterday to america to her parents" I was shocked when she said that

Did she left me? Without saying goodbye? Why?

"Why mister?" The maid asked "Oh nothing i just thought that she will be here" I said "Well you were not here for the goodbye party? All of her friends were invited yesterday" What!? She didn't even invited me!?. "Oh.. i guess not haha okay bye" I said and left

How could she leave me?

1 week later

I was so depressed i barely eat, i barely sleep i always cry until i pass out

That's where i realized that girls are traitors and players. Well i will play your game girls...


Aww... poor Jiminie my bias
So... sorry guys if i hadn't updating my other stories like:
Why you?(Vkook)
Because i want to concentrate on this story. But i will try to update my other stories as well okay bue guys I love you all! And i'm not just saying that because for attention and shit I seriously love you all especially saywhatYOUWANNASAY(Sydney) because if it wasn't for you people i would just quit writing hahaha so thank you guys once again and I truthfully LOVE YOU ALL :*

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