Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

As i was walking to the halls not being myself because i barely got enough sleep from last night, thinking what Jimin said  to me..

"Oh i'm so sorry!" A boy said as he stumbled upon me and i dropped ny books. He helped me picked them up and i realize he was carrying a Big Spongebob Stuff toy

"Here you go" He lended me my books and he smiled revealing his bunny teeth haha he's kinda cute

"Thank you" I said as took my books from his hand "I'm Jungkook" He introduced himself "Taehyhiung" I smiled as i introduced myself "Yeah... where's your next class?" He asked "Science class of Mr. Jinhwan" I answered "Oh! We're in the same class, Wanna go together?" He pleaded. I nodded in response and we walked together to the science lab. While we're walking he's very talkative hahaha but i guess he's trying to be friends with me, but when we entered the lab he became quiet and we sat together at the back since the seats are occupied in the front

"Hey why so quiet" I asked "Promise not to tell anyone" He said as he was hugging his stuff toy. Does he really carry that around him? "Okay now what is it" I asked again. He let out sigh and.. "My crush is here.. HE is beside Namjoon" He whispered at me while his head is bowed.  Seok jin hmm... wait He's gay........ too? "You're gay?" I asked "Yeah.. are you going to avoid me too like everybody else?" He said. Awww... No i'm gay too.. "No Jungkook, I'm gay too hahaha" He gave me as satisfied smile as he lifted up his head from the stuff toy "Seriously do you carry that all the time?" I asked as i pointed at Spongebob "Yeah it was a gift from my brother right after he.... passed away" He said in a sad tone. Aww... BABY DON'T CRY! TONIGHT! "Oh.. i'm so sorry i asked" I said in a pityfull tone "No i'm over it, sometimes i think that his soul is in this stuff toy haha i just miss my hyung so much" Hee said as he hugged his stuff toy tight through out the the day, We just talked and talked until End of classes. But Minah is still not present i wonder.. "Bye TaeTae" He said as he entered his dorm. Well his dorm is just beside our dorm haha what a coincidence

I entered my dorm but Jimin was still not here and I MADE SURE because i don't want that moment to happen again agh~

But i was in the mood for seducing hehehehe :>

Jimin's POV

Moans and pants are heard across the room as i banged this girl from Math class

"Ahh!! Jimin yes! Ah! Right there! Right there!" She moaned

As i thrusted in to her she moaned which was music to my ears. I turned her around to face me and she was a Moaning mess and it turns me on

"Ah fuck i'm going to--" and i came in her

When we finished we put our clothes on and we went our seperate ways she went to the girl's dorm while i went to the Boy's dorm

As i was walking i heard moans IN OUR DORM i opened it slowly to see what's going on and i see Taehyung laying on the couch with his Smooth,Milky,flawless legs. Wait agh! No Jimin your straight! You just banged a girl for petes sake

But why was he moaning?

"Yes! Highscore!" He said happily. what the fuck?

He noticed me and "Hi Jiminie i was just playing Moaning madness it's where you moan in the microphone and you have to beat other people, Well so far i still didn't loose, Maybe i'm just a good moaner" He said the last line seductively which gave me a boner ugh~ No!

He stood up and walked to me and put his arms on my shoulders "Don't you think" He said again seductively and he tilted his head. Yeah i'll play your game

I grabbed his waist and made his body pressed into mine "Want to try?" I whispered on his ear and blew out hot air

But then we heard something in the kitchen, It was just a whistling kettle he tried to escape but i caught him again and i cornered him on the wall

"You make me hot inside you know that?" I said seductively to him and made him blush like crazy

Seriously i want to bang him right now... Not my fault he started it.

Taehyung's POV


He was leaning in close to me and










I fainted..


In the multimedia section you can see kookie holding his Spongebob stuff toy hahaha Kyeoptaaaa

Please vote & comment #^_^#

And this story is dedicated for "saywhatYOUWANNASAY" Her stories are the best! Please read her stories. My personal favorite is "How to make the playboy fall inlove" please read that it's good :) okay bye bye~

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