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I was raging.
My body physically hot from all of the anger sizzling through my veins.

He snatched the phone from my grasp and immediately walked off with it pressed against his ear.

"I need you to call me back right now." Aries spoke to what I'm assuming was someone's voicemail. I chased him, hot on his trail and eager to hear more. "I will fucking kill her within the next hour if you do not ring me the fuck back. She's not worth the hassle or the bounty and fuck my loyalty to you. Scarlet is as good as dead."

The hallway was dark, but the ajar door towards the end of the corridor emitted an ever-changing flicker of light, we were both heading towards it.

I followed him into a theatre style room, the screen illuminating the room in an ever-changing glow. He knew I was there, he just didn't look at me. Instead, he threw the phone at the screen in a rage and dropped himself into one of the leather chairs.

"Oh, that's smart." I quipped up, "my life rests on a callback to a smashed phone, comforting."

This man had been stalking me for a year. Taking photos of me unknowingly, listening in on my conversations, looking into every personal and private detail of my life, following me.

I had no idea. That was such a terrifying thought, and me running into him so randomly? Surely that wasn't just a coincidence.

I wanted answers.
No, I deserved answers.

"Who the hell paid you to protect me?"

He just stared at me in silence with those rich, decadent eyes.

"I don't know anyone who would pay you to do that. Was it Sean? My mom? Someone from work? Who?"

I wrecked my brain trying to think of anyone I know with D as the starting letting of their name. Perhaps it was Denis from finance, but we barely spoke. He asked to borrow my stapler one time last year and I think that's the only interaction we've ever had.

"Señorita." He growled. "Fishing is a dangerous sport. You'll get yourself all caught up in nets and end up skinned. You are a little fish in a big pond. Drop it."

"Enough of the fucking riddles, who fucking paid you?!" I attempted to shove him, smugly thinking I'd get at least one good shot in.

More fool me.

He grabbed my wrist and used it as a way to manoeuvre my whole body, twist me around and shove me down into one of the other chairs.

He pounced on me like a hungry lion and grabbed my throat, his large hand squeezing with just the right amount of pressure to make me panic.

"Mi belleza."  His fingers tightened, cutting off my airways as he leaned in and nuzzled his nose into my neck. "You know in movies, the neck snapping is always shown by pushing the neck to the side. That would get you a chiropractor appointment at best. However, one strong tilt of your jaw on a diagonal and your body would fall limp beneath me." His words tickled my ear as he whispered them softly. "Is that what you want?"

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