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The slightest twitch in his fingers attracted my attention, he had been out cold for hours with no change to his complexion, pulse rate or body temperature. Now he was finally starting to stir. I watched as his eyelids fluttered several times until they opened very drowsily. 

"Hi." I uttered, fighting the urge to fuss over his stats for the umpteenth time.

He sat up and pulled the oxygen mask off of his face. It was as if the world of pain had come crashing directly into him and he dropped his hand down to the bandage dressing above his hip.

"You did this?" He asked with a croaky voice and a look of incredulity written all over his face.

I only nodded in response, expecting him to thank me or smile, or something. Instead, Aries pushed the covers off his body and attempted to stand up.

"Woah there buddy!" He was still weakened and instantly tumbled back down onto the bed, groaning in pain as his body landed against the mattress with a thud. "You're still weak and disoriented, you need to rest."

He became inflamed by stubbornness and tightened his lips into a stupid angry pout. "I'm not weak." He retorted moodily. "I'm fine. I'm going for a shower."

This time, he managed to stand up with great difficulty. I could see how uneasy and shaky he felt on his own two feet. Putting one foot in front of the other to walk seemed to be an extremely effortful task but I didn't offer any help. I think that would have knocked his ego far too much, so I stood back and watched. Fighting the urge to smile.

His steps were tiny and I could see the pained expression in his eyes but he daren't utter a single complaint. When he finally reached the end bedpost he stopped and sucked in a heavy breath, filling up his lungs with the courage to continue.

"Why are you still here?" He snapped, projecting that pained anger onto me.

"This is the room you so kindly assigned me, where else would you like for me to go?"

"Just get out! Leave me alone!" He grabbed his side and fell back down on the bed, this time letting out a gruff sound.

He was too proud to show his suffering on the outside. Swallowing these deep feelings of agony in silence just so I couldn't witness them. Luckily for him, I've dealt with my fair share of stubborn men.

"You need to rest." I repeated. "Do you know how to follow orders?" I grabbed each pillow and stripped them of their cases, then I stripped the duvet. Everything was covered in his dried blood like a massacre had occurred in here.

"I don't follow orders, I give them. Now leave." He was so stern and moody like a toddler not getting his own way. He just sat at the foot of my bed fuming with himself.

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