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The flamboyant buttercup yellow heated the room from the new days sun.

My heavy eyelids blinked in the scene of the empty bed beside me. He really didn't come back home last night.

I spent most of the night tossing and turning, waiting for him, thinking about everything I had read. It was all so gelid and inhumane, they wrote about him like he was a product they were reviewing and the severity of things they made him do were so awful it was hard to place a human face on the reality of them.

My father did that.
Perhaps that's why Aries is the way he is towards me. Deep down, he resents me for it.

My fingertips brushed against the pillow, I wondered where he had spent the night.

Forget it, no, I wasn't going to allow my mind to roam there. Instead, I was going to get up out of bed, dress into something appropriately beachy and go explore the undoubtable wonder that is Galicia whether he likes it or not.

The house had a certain kind of peaceful serenity enclosed within this early in the morning. The lights were dimmed throughout and I could hear the sweet twill of the birds serenade through the open windows.

I guess everyone else was sleeping, I was still mildly jet lagged so according to my body clock the crack of dawn was the best time to awaken.

Though, as I approached the kitchen I could hear voices, one I detected to be Aries. It made me hesitant to go in, so I hovered outside the door, listening.

"There you go," he said calmly, a voice so soothingly soft. "That's it. Nice and slowly, there's no rush."

Speaking with such love and reverence to his voice, so silvery. It intrigued me and even more so when nobody replied.

"We're making a right mess here aren't we Miguel? I'm clumsy with the spoon but that's okay, messes can be cleaned up and I'll get better with practice."

I pushed the door open and walked on in, heading straight for the ice water jug. The house vibe went from relaxation to this thick, strange atmosphere full of awkwardness.

Aries cleared his throat like he had laryngitis, he was acting as if I had caught him doing something atrocious. His cheeks turned pink and he bowed his head, no longer meeting my gaze.

I had walked in on him gently wiping dripped food from his dads mouth with a cloth. He was spoon feeding Miguel his breakfast like you would for a baby. Though this was obviously far too intimate and caring for me to witness because Aries ceased doing it immediately and stood up to dispose of the leftover oatmeal.

"I don't think he was done with that." I pointed out, drinking the cold water from a glass. Aries looked lost, his eyes settling on me, then back on his father, then down to the oatmeal.

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