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"Scarlet, I need you to listen to me and for fucks sake don't dare question me or go against anything I say, you got that?"

Although I could hear the severity in his voice and understand the full depth of it, Aries seemed calm. Calmer than usual actually.

I looked back through my mirror, the black car tailing us was getting scarily close and Aries wasn't driving any faster to get away, just strolling through the streets and keeping up with the ongoing traffic.

"Aries, I think you need to add some speed."

"I can't go any faster I have a body in the back. We can't draw attention to ourselves. In a minute, I'm going to let you out. You're to head inside the shopping mall immediately and wait for me somewhere out in the open. Things are going to get messy, I need you to mentally prepare for that."

He reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt, still multitasking - driving, keeping a watchful eye on the road and shuffling off his suit jacket.

"Put this on. Don't leave with anyone except for me and if I don't return to pick you up then you only leave with Grimes. Do not draw attention to yourself. You got that?" 

"What are you going to do?"

His eyes darted back through his mirror, lingering to assess the situation of the car behind us, but seeing it had tinted glass he shook his head.

"I don't know how many there are and this injury to my hip will slow me down considerably so I'm going to buy you some time, lure them away from you until we can get you to safety."

"But why would you do that? You're not obligated to protect me anymore."

His tires screeched along the road as we came to a complete stop outside the mall. Now that we had stopped I could see it wasn't just one black car following us, there were at least three and they were getting nearer and nearer.

"Well then, I guess you have your answer Señorita, now go. Run."

I didn't hesitate, pushing past the herds of Saturday shoppers and taking solace in the beautiful building.

The shopping mall had the kind of architecture schools and hospitals could dream of. A stunning domed room, made from curved glass, shiny floors forever being swept and polished by worker bees, the smell of freshly baked donuts and churros wafting through the air.

I felt hidden here, blending amongst the river of people. I stood by the Sephora window, gazing in at the products they had on display. Reading ingredients to a moisturiser several times and still having no clue what the formula contained because my mind was elsewhere.

My thoughts were fixated on Aries.
Where was he?
Was he okay?
Did they shoot him?
Did they kill him?
Were they coming for me next?

Screaming erupted from the main entrance building and bodies dropped to the floor like a life-size Mexican wave.

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