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Galicia wasn't really tourist central, I'm told the tourists usually flock to mainland Spain or the Canary Islands. So nobody else was around, just Aries and me, climbing up the 234 steps to prove a point.

I noticed his pace slow down the higher we got, his feet dragging with his reluctance. He would look at me and when I'd catch him, he would look away. I knew he was questioning his decision but we had come thus far, I wasn't going to offer him an out - he would likely be too proud to take it anyway.

I stepped onto the outer platform, overcome by the view of ferocious waves crashing against the cliffs. Sea-brined air smacked me in the face, so refreshingly cool against my skin. It was something to behold and admire, the greenery stretching for miles, the sea an ever going mass of wild blue, glistening like a thousand diamonds as the sun beat down on it.

Suddenly I had forgotten all about Aries and his fear, or I simply no longer cared.

I turned back to look at him, he stood glued to the doorway, not daring to step out onto the platform.

I smiled at him, it would've been the perfect moment to tease him but given I knew his fear stemmed from his trauma I refrained, ignoring how uncomfortable he looked.

"Have you ever been up here?" I asked, stepping further towards the ledge. My hands gripped around the metal bars encasing me and I just breathed in the salty air.


"You don't want to see the view?" I held my hand out towards him but he didn't take it.

"I'm looking at it." He gestured towards the ocean. "Wow, water. Very nice." He muttered sarcastically, accompanying with a head nod. I rolled my eyes and leaned further over the ledge, looking at the floor below us.

"It's not that high."

"Jesus Scarlet!" He yelled and suddenly his hands were on my waist grabbing me backwards to a standing upright position. "Are you crazy? Don't lean over."

The door he was so graciously holding open earlier slammed closed with the coastal breeze and his eyes flared with alarm.

"No! No! No!" He panicked, running to the door as quick as a dart and pulling at it in distress.

"Aries." I consolidated, touching his hand to stop his obsessive yanking at the aged door handle because if that thing broke off we would truly be doomed.

"No follar!" He shrugged me off with aggression, "Estamos atascados! ¿Cómo sabrá alguien que estamos aquí arriba? ¿Ves lo estúpido que fue venir aquí?"

(Fuck! We're stuck! How will anyone know we are up here? Do you see how stupid it was to come here?)

He burst into Spanish with his panic, his native tongue coming naturally. I don't know why, but I was predominantly focusing on his lips and the way he spoke those words to try and work out what he was saying. Needless to say, I failed.

"y si se cae? ¡Mierda! ¿Por qué te escuché?"

(And if it falls? Shit! Why did I listen to you?)

"Woah Aries! You talk mega fast Spanish when you're worried."

"No estoy preocupado." He continued, his voice dropping deeper like he was pissed off now. "Esto es tu culpa."

(I am not worried.) (This is your fault)

"Blue?" I made a random guess.


"What!" I pointed at him all excited. "See, I know that one. It means what." He scrunched his face up with confusion. "Wait, or does it mean okay? Shit, I'm doubting myself now."

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