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Men in dark suits passed by me in the hallway, they all looked the same. It was the uniform they put on to no longer seem human. Their best traits and most redeeming quality's just suffocating beneath that tweedy cloth.

I kicked my leg too and fro, sitting outside the double doors that they all seemed to enter. One by one, piling into a boardroom to take position around a massive table.

I probably shouldn't just be sitting here like a naughty child waiting for entry into a principal's office, but I had nowhere else to go.

Dark suits, guns strapped to their waistband and a scowl set deep on their face. Whenever one noticed me, he would view me with such interest for a few seconds, I could see the questions burning up their brain cells and yet, nobody asked a single one.

From inside the room Aries walked towards the doors. He too, was wearing a business suit. It was as crisp as a new banknote, showing off aristocratic lines of a great tailor.

His sapphire eyes linked up with mine and in that moment I'm not sure what was communicated between us but I like to bet it was a warning to 'behave.' Either way, he brought the doors to a tight close, shutting me out.

I stood up, immediately set on investigating.

He had an office, which was conveniently left off my tour earlier. I made a mental note to return, try and find some solid evidence against Aries and a form of communication with the outside world.

It smelt like pine and was extremely neat and fancy with beautiful carvings engraved into the desk.

I wiggled his mouse to retrieve some life into his computer but it was locked, only activated by a finger print.

"Damn." I whispered, searching the room once more.

All of his filing cabinets were locked, he had a stack of papers on his desk that only seemed to be utility bills when I browsed through them. I dug through the papers in his trash can and my fingers hit something hard.

A small keychain, the one he stole from the guy that he blinded at the diner. It was a small, round black thing but on the back it had a barcode - much like the one on Aries' chest.

I swiped my thumb over the USB tip and  wondered what could possibly be on there.

"Your face is unfamiliar." My eyes shot up to the doorway in alarm and I stuffed the keychain into my pocket.

A man gleamed at me, his head cocked to one side, his smile stretching his face completely. He reminded me of an excitable puppy.

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