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I could see the magnetic pull gambling had on a person. Hours I spent rolling the dice in a slow and controlled motion, almost inhuman-like. The world around me fell away as I focused solely on being swept up by the game.

And for the most part, I forgot that's all that it was, —a game.

It wasn't even my money, but I got excited with every win. I felt disappointment with every loss. And fuck me did I get sucked into the hype all around me.

Strangers congratulating me, screaming at me to make certain decisions on numbers, relishing in the outcome of each move. They became my best friends because to them, I was the most interesting person in the room.

"Start loosing cupcake." Grimes whispered stealthily into my ear.

"I'm ten up." I replied, dismissing his request because now I was captivated. I wanted to win. "If I just roll high one more time—"

"I'm not going to ask you again, start losing." His voice was gruff, demanding and serious, I wanted to disobey but instead, I wagered up more money and rolled again, earning lower than I had betted.

Grimes smirked in a satisfying way.

A loud crash from across the room made everybody's head turn. The impressive wine glass tower had come tumbling down and Aries stood laughing at the mess he had caused.

"Shit." He slurred. "That was quite the obstacle, don't worry. Don't worry. I have money I'll pay." He started throwing hundred dollar notes around, swaying on his own two feet while people whispered around him. "Woah!" He exclaimed, almost tumbling over.

"Is he drunk?" I whispered to Grimes.

"No not drunk Scarlet, he's absolutely fucking shit faced."

I watched him stumble over his words and tumble over his own feet. He spoke to everyone, so animatedly which was anything like the sober man he was. He started stroking someone's fur coat, calling it a 'cute ferret' and she uncomfortably moved away from him.

"Shouldn't someone help him?"

"Just play." Grimes ordered, his lips pressed into a thin line as he watched Aries make a fool of himself in front of all of these people.

"Okay, I made a big loss so now I need to rectify that. I'm betting whatever I have left, double or nothing." I told the roulette master.

Most of the crowd who gathered around me cheered as I pushed forward my plastic chips. Some of them complained and called me stupid. They hurled tactics and physic dimensions to me but I ignored them and played on.

"C'mon, give me an eight." I blew into the dice for good luck and threw the pair onto the table. I heard sighs and gasps around me as the dice shown a lower number than eight.

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