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Once upon a time, there was a school called New Horizons, which had a unique educational system. In New Horizons, boys were taught to be subservient and emotional, while girls were taught to be aggressive and dominant. The school's teaching methods were such that it was natural for males to fulfill the wishes of the female students.

The boys were trained to be respectful and obedient to their female counterparts, and girls were allowed to be the rulers. Although this may have seemed like a discriminatory system, everybody in New Horizons believed that it was normal and nobody thought of challenging it. In fact, the parents of the students who attended the school had gone through the same system and they were content with how things were.

The school's female students were permitted to boss around the boys; they could order them to pick up their bags, clean their tables, and carry their books around. The boys had no choice but to comply, and often they would do so with a smile plastered on their face. The female students tended to be abusive, constantly belittling the boys and humiliating them in public, but everyone considered this everyday life in New Horizons.

The teachers were not kind to the boys either; they were biased towards the female students and treated them with extra care and attention, while the boys were left to their own devices. The school's administrators thought that prioritizing the female students would prepare them better for their future lives. As a result, the boys felt neglected, hated and felt that they were useless.

Despite these obvious flaws in the school's curriculum, no one wanted to change anything. The students had become so accustomed to the system that they considered it the norm, and nobody had the courage to speak up. Anyone who even tried to protest against the system was scoffed at and ridiculed.

One day, a new boy named Mark arrived at New Horizons. He had previously attended a co-ed school and was shocked by the difference in treatment the boys received at this school. Mark noticed that he was treated differently, as a pariah, his feelings disregarded, and he was forced to cater to the female students' every whim.

The other students were not used to someone who could challenge the established system, yet Mark was different. He wanted to enable a change and started raising his voice. The female students couldn't stand this and saw this as something that questioned their dominant role. And, therefore, started demeaning him more to put a stop to his campaign.

Mark's voice was heard, and when he spoke out against the unfair treatment, others joined in support. They started protesting against the mistreatment of the boys and demanded for all students to be treated equally. Some parents as well, went to the school to protest against the school's curriculum, finally, the school board had to take into account the issues being raised and bring considerable changes in the syllabus.

Eventually, the school changed its ways, and the boys were given the same opportunities as the girls. They were no longer bullied or forced to cater to the female students' every whim, and the girls learned to respect and appreciate the boys' abilities. Gradually, New Horizon became a more inclusive environment, where both male and female students learned to live and work together in harmony.

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