In the world of Gaia, the society has long established a unique practice of gender roles. Boys are raised to be submissive and subdued, while girls are taught to be confident and dominant in every aspect of their lives.
From an early age, boys were taught to be obedient, compassionate, and attuned to the needs of others, especially women. Meanwhile, girls were taught to be assertive, competitive, and self-reliant. In the workplace, women held the top positions, while men work in jobs that support and assist them.
Initially, many were skeptical when this gender-based system was first introduced, but through time, people came to understand and appreciate its beauty. Women were able to take on higher-paying jobs without being held back by men who felt intimidated or threatened. Men, on the other hand, were allowed to pursue more nurturing and empathetic careers.
The benefits of this gender role reversal were seen not only in the workplace but also in personal relationships. Men and women are able to appreciate each other's differences and complement each other, creating strong and healthy relationships.
However, it wasn't all smooth sailing in the beginning. Some men found the adjustment to their submissive roles challenging, and some women struggled to take on the responsibility of leadership. But as time went on, both genders grew into their roles and found themselves thriving in their new societal norms.
Overall, this unique gender role structure in the world of Gaia had led to a more egalitarian society where everyone is valued and appreciated for their individual strengths, regardless of their gender. Botti, the friendly helpful bot that everyone relied on in Gaia, was glad to see the positive change and was always ready to provide support and assistance for everyone's needs.