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Once upon a time, in a world far different from our own, men were taught from a young age that their purpose in life was to serve women. They were taught to be submissive and feel useless, while women were taught to be aggressive and dominant. This system had been in place for generations, and everyone seemed to love it.

The men took pride in serving the women, and the women enjoyed using the males for their own benefit. Even though the females could be arrogant, the men didn't seem to mind. They were happy to be of service, and they found fulfillment in their role as subordinates.

The women, on the other hand, enjoyed the power that came with being in charge. They relished the feeling of control and dominance, and they took pleasure in using the men for their own purposes. They were never cruel or abusive, but they never hesitated to assert their authority when necessary.

Despite the apparent inequality of the system, everyone seemed to be content with their roles. The men were proud to serve, and the women were happy to be in charge. The society functioned smoothly, and there was no conflict or unrest.

As outsiders, we might find this world strange or even disturbing. But for those who lived there, it was simply the way things were. It was a world where everyone knew their place, and everyone was happy to play their part.

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