Chapter 13: Taking Flight

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Diane smiled up to Highwing as she stroked her beak affectionately. The hippogryph twittered in response, though stomped a talon against the ground as she glanced toward Ominis.

"It's alright." Diane said soothingly, backing up to let Ominis take the attention of Highwing. The hippogryph screeched in dismay as the pets stopped, her dark eyes turning toward Ominis.

"Okay, now bow." Diane said softly, watching Highwing closely.

Ominis bowed, his form more practiced than an average person. It made her wonder if he'd had to go through some sort of etiquette training from his family.

She smiled happily when Highwing bowed as well, letting out a breath of relief. She was hoping Highwing would like him, but if she didn't they would have to resort to the broom. Luckily that hadn't happened.

"Do you want to go for a short ride to see what it's like?" Diane asked, going up to Highwing again and cooing happy words at her affectionately.

"I... suppose." Ominis said, looking altogether unsure of this.

"Here." Diane went back over to him and took one of his hands, leading him closer to Highwing. "She loves being scratched on the neck. Do that and you'll be her best friend."

He chuckled anxiously, trying not to feel flustered from Diane holding his hand like that before she set it on the hippogryph's neck. The feathers were thick and softer than he expected, his hand stroking through them to reach the skin below to scratch.

Highwing trilled happily and flapped her wings, making Ominis mutter in surprise at the sudden gust.

"Sorry, she does that sometimes, but it means she's happy." Diane said, coming up to the other side of her neck to scratch as well.

"She's taller than I expected." Ominis said, reaching up and unable to touch the top of her head.

"Well, she can carry both of us, so she'll have to be pretty tall." Diane chuckled.

"Her feathers are... very soft. It feels quite nice." Ominis murmured.

"I like them too." Diane smiled. "I've taken a couple naps leaning against her, it's so nice. I'm glad we can take her with us... I felt bad I couldn't ride her for the last few months."

"Are you nervous about the trip at all?" Ominis asked softly.

"A bit." She admitted. "Mostly I'm worried that someone will attack us. The trip itself I'm fine with."

"I think we'll be alright. Especially with Highwing with us, if they contend with a hippogryph they may have more trouble than they expected. I've heard they're fierce fighters."

"Well, I'd rather she not be in any fights but yeah she can definitely hold her own if she needs to." Diane grinned.

"Are you nervous?" Diane asked.

"Yes, mostly about the flying." Ominis admitted.

"Well, let's give it a shot, then." She smiled. "Here, I'll help you up, and then I'll get up in front of you, okay? Hold onto her back and lift up."

Ominis grew even more nervous as he climbed up onto the hippogryph, feeling his heart pound anxiously as he finally got onto Highwing's back. It went into overdrive when Diane mounted Highwing as well, sitting in front of him so his legs couldn't help but touch her.

"W-wait, maybe this isn't such a good idea-" he stammered, especially when she took his hands and put his arms around her waist.

"Nonsense, it'll be fine I promise! Now hold on, okay? She's going to take a running start."

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