Chapter 39: Occlumency

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Sebastian walked out after speaking with Hecat, expecting Ominis and Diane to be waiting. He looked around in confusion when they were nowhere in sight, starting to search down the nearby hallways. He found Ominis leaning against the wall outside the girls' bathroom, looking rather satisfied with himself. His hair was tousled and unkept, which was rather unusual for him out in public. He put 2 and 2 together, shaking his head as he stood in front of Ominis with his arms crossed.

"Seriously? I was gone for what... 10 minutes?" Sebastian said flatly.

Ominis sputtered and didn't say anything at first, just blushing in embarrassment. "Is my outfit a mess?" He muttered.

"Oh I didn't know you went that far. You two are impossible." Sebastian rolled his eyes in exasperation. Though... he didn't blame him.

Ominis' face turned a deeper shade of red, still remaining silent.

"Your hair. It gives you away." Sebastian said, motioning to the wild locks that were partially falling over his face.

Ominis mumbled a bit in parsaltongue as he worked at straightening it, waving his wand around his head to make sure it was tidy again.

"So what did Hecat say?" Ominis asked, hoping to change the subject.

"She said I should consider what career I should go in to. Honestly it was a strange conversation. She mentioned the Ministry."

"You? Working at the Ministry?" Ominis said in disbelief.

"That's what I thought too. I have no idea what she's thinking." Sebastian said, seeming rather confused but also... oddly curious. Of all the professors here he respected Hecat the most. If she said he might be good at something, she would know better than him. She seemed intent on helping him into that path, too. Though he didn't exactly know what to expect from the private lessons she had offered.

"She said you were interested in legilimency?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, yeah I was thinking about it. We both know Diane will likely be making those crazy plants she breeds. So we should think of what we want to do too. I figure legilimency would be good because I have a knack for mind magic." Ominis shrugged.

"Legilimency in what regard though? Investigations?"

"That part I'm not sure about, I'd have to look into it more. Honestly I'm just glad to have something I can do that isn't too limited. I can't do a lot of jobs, so this is probably one that would suit me best."

"It would be funny if we both worked at the Ministry." Sebastian chuckled.

Ominis couldn't help but laugh as well. A Gaunt working at the Ministry, what insanity.

"What are you two laughing about out here?" Diane grinned as she walked out of the bathroom.

"We were talking about how funny it would be if Sebastian and I worked at the Ministry." Ominis smirked.

"You two? So if you can't break the rules, make new ones, is that it?" She laughed.

"I know, ridiculous, right? Hecat seems rather keen on it, though. She says she wants to give private lessons to help me catch up." Sebastian smiled, happy that he had someone helping him. He had been afraid the professors would just leave him to flounder.

"I'm sure you'll do wonderful. You're good at studying. You'll catch up in no time." Diane smiled.

"I'm more worried about potions class." Sebastian said anxiously.

"Yeah... Sharp won't let you off easy in that one. He's a bear of a professor." Ominis shook his head.

"Well... all I can do is my best." Sebastian sighed.

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