Chapter 35: Ultimatum

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Garreth stormed down the corridor of the Forsaken base, his green eyes burning with rage. He felt like he'd gotten played by Sebastian, and he didn't like being messed with like this. Harmless pranks were one thing, this was entirely different.

He was dressed in the dark robes of the Forsaken, given to him by Sebastian for his visits. He had to wear the hood up to hide his bright hair- a very defining feature- out of sight, his face hidden by a niffler mask. The mask was his idea... after all, he did love his galleons.

He found Sebastian in the dark back rooms of the caves, pouring over more paperwork. His face was hidden as always, but the way he had his hand in his hair, a dark frown on his face as he read... he looked exhausted.

"Serpent." He used the nickname they had while in the presence of the other Forsaken.

Sebastian looked up in alarm at the voice, standing up in confusion when he saw it was indeed who it sounded like. "What are you doing here? I didn't place another order yet." He said warily.

"We need to talk." Garreth walked over to him, both men of similar height so they stared eye to eye. "Alone."

Sebastian met his gaze, saw the anger in Garreth's eyes and nodded silently. He led him further back to the lower caves, into a smaller tunnel that was off to the side. It was as secluded as you could be down here.

"What's going on?" Sebastian said, taking off his mask and raking a hand through his messy hair anxiously.

"You've been keeping things from me." Garreth growled, taking his own mask off and throwing down the hood of his cloak. "That's what's going on."

Sebastian looked confused. "What are you talking about? I told you why I-"

"No, Sebastian, you didn't. You gave me a sob story that would sound good to a Gryffindor. That's what you did." Garreth glared at him.

Sebastian let out a frustrated sound, turning off to the side and crossing his arms angrily. "So what do you think I'm doing, then?"

"Being stupid, that's what." Garreth hissed. "As usual."

Sebastian gave him an angry side eye but remained silent.

"The repository, Sebastian." Garreth said harshly. "I know about it. I know what it is, I know what Diane is, and I know how dangerous it is".

Sebastian's jaw went slack with shock, turning back to him. "How the hell-"

"She told me." Garreth interrupted him. "She told me everything. About her magic, about why she was let in as a 5th year. About why she had to leave the school so often, and why she's so good at mastering spells." He shook his head. "I didn't even believe her until she actually had to show me what it looked like. Kind of hard to argue with my own eyes though."

"Why did she tell you? What the hell is going on?" Sebastian growled.

"Oh, don't get all possessive. She knows I sold you potions because one of your guys was sloppy and left my packing list out for her to find. I'm the only one who makes the Fumolocus potions. Kind of hard to argue with that."

Sebastian let out a frustrated growl, that paperwork had been what did him in with keeping secrecy. Damn unorganized morons.

"She nearly beat me up the other day trying to figure out what I knew. She's fucking scary when she's angry." Garreth frowned.

"Yeah." Sebastian said in a wistful tone, making Garreth wrinkle his nose.

"Ugh. Enough of that. This is a serious conversation."

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