Chapter 17: Making Plans

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Sebastian paced in the Undercroft, eager to start their planned duel. He was early of course, but he was so excited for this he could hardly contain himself. He loved seeing Diane at full power, the sweet girl that usually seemed more like a powder puff blasting her way through the most intense situations. It was a heady combination, and a sight to behold.

He looked up as the gear mechanism sounded, his heart pounding as he saw she has changed into her outfit she usually had worn when exploring, a less feminine attire that let her be able to move more but also fit snugly on her curves.

"You ready?" She tilted her head with a sweet smile, her red curls free and falling over one shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be, flower." Sebastian grinned, his smile widening as she blushed at him using the nickname again. Oh, he did enjoy that.

As usual she fired the first blast, Diane fearless in battle as she let loose combos of spells that sent him reeling back defensively with a shield. He countered with his own combos, feeling that thrill of challenge when she blocked and countered them. He never had to worry about holding back with her, because he knew she would never hold back as well.

Spells flew, flashes of color from magic filling the Undercroft for several long minutes as the fight wore on.

"Confringo!" Sebastian sent his favorite spell blazing toward her.

"Depul-" Diane froze mid spell, her eyes going wide as she hesitated for a second, but a second was all it took for his confringo to send her flying backwards several yards, flames licking the air behind her.

"Diane!" He yelled in concern, running back over to her as he kneeled next to her while she moaned, Sebastian frantically patting out the fire at the edge of her jacket.

She sat up, looking away from him in embarrassment. "I guess that means you won." She muttered.

"What the hell happened? You were doing fine until-"

Until she'd tried to use depulso on him.

"Diane.." he breathed out, realizing suddenly how hard that must have been on her, to see all of that happen in front of her. Him killing his uncle, Anne sending him flying with the depulso. He had gone over the line, and he knew it, and it hadn't been just him that had been affected, but Ominis and Diane as well.

"It's fine." She said, sitting up with a long sigh. "I suppose you were going to win at some point."

She let out a small eep of surprise when he hugged her suddenly, burying his face in her shoulder as he let out a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry."

She smiled warmly and put a hand on his back to rub it reassuringly. "You've started learning from your mistakes and that's what matters." She said softly.

He released her slowly, looking down at her, his eyes seeming to search her expression before he let out a deep sigh. "I still have a lot to learn, I think. But thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, Sebastian. I'm here to help you however you need. Within reason, of course." She smiled wryly.

He let out a weak laugh, nodding. "I appreciate that."

"Now," she stood up with a groan, stretching her back as it felt a bit sore. "I should go feed my plants."

"Feed?" What an odd choice of words.

"Yeah, professor Garlick got some more rabbits to feed to the plants, so I have to go grab some while I can."

"Rabbits?" Sebastian murmured in horror. What the hell was she growing that would eat a whole rabbit?!

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