Chapter 25: Mind Games

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Sebastian- Silver and Cold by AFI


"Now, today's lesson will continue our delve into the subject of mind magic. Can anyone tell me what Legilimency is?" She called on the Ravenclaw who raised their hand immediately.

Ominis was intrigued by the idea of it, that someone could actually read a mind like that. Possibly even see memories. It was probably used for investigating crime, certainly... hmm... it might help Diane with her issues with these groups that were popping up around Hogwarts. She was the keeper of Hogwarts now, and she took her role very seriously. He wanted to help her somehow, but he didn't exactly have magic that could contend with something like she had. Maybe he could help in other ways...

Sebastian's expression was far more solemn at the idea of legilimency. Really, he wondered if anyone here already knew how to do it. He was a bit startled when Professor Hecat turned around to face him suddenly, but continued talking as if it was a casual movement.

He looked up at the professor with a wary look. Message understood.

"While I will tell you the components of legilimency, I will not have you actually practice it in my class. The mind is a complicated subject, and should never be tampered with on a whim." Hecat said, looking pointedly toward a few students including Sebastian.

"When reading the mind, you are reading the emotions of the person you cast the spell on. Even average legilimens can decipher whether someone is lying or not, but it takes a skilled legilimens to sift through actual memories. Legilimens take years of training, and must pass a rigorous test through the Ministry in order to be classified as a legal legilimens.

This magic is extremely powerful, and extremely dangerous. It is not dark magic per say, but may be used for evil just as easily as for good. Legilimens can influence someone's mind just by planting a small hint of an idea, and make the user think they'd thought of it."

Ominis hummed in thought. It was another gray area. He was starting to think there was more gray than black or white at this point.

This lesson gave them both a lot to think about.


"You're heading out again?" Ominis grumbled in frustration. Just when he'd thought he had been getting better.

"Yeah, I have some things I need to take care of" Sebastian was finishing packing a bag in the Slytherin dorm room. It seems he would be gone for a bit.

"Are you going to at least say goodbye to Diane?" Ominis crossed his arms in frustration.

Sebastian let out a soft sigh. "Yes, I will. Because otherwise she'll come hunt me down, probably."

Ominis chuckled softly. "Definitely." He heard the clasps of the bag and frowned, knowing Sebastian was packing to be gone for a while. "Are you ever going to tell me what you're doing while you're gone?"

"I will someday." Sebastian said, hoisting the bag over his shoulder.

Ominis frowned, shaking his head in dismay. "I wish you wouldn't keep so many secrets from me."

"Sorry, Ominis. In this case it's for your own good."

"That's what you said last time, too." Ominis growled darkly.

Sebastian paused at that, and let out a small exasperated sigh. "Fine." He took his pack back down, taking something out. He walked over and handed it to Ominis, closing his hand around it. "That's all the hint you get."

"What the hell is it?" Ominis felt it in his hand, but couldn't make it out.

"That's for you to figure out." Sebastian grinned, heading toward the door already. "That's half the fun."

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