Chapter 15: Lumos

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"You know, I never realized how ridiculous it is that the houses have to sit separately during these things." Sebastian grumped as he sat beside Ominis at the slytherin table.

"It's for the sorting ceremony, Sebastian, it's only one night." Ominis chuckled.

"But look at her, what is she talking about over there?"

Ominis was silent, clearing his throat a bit.

"Oh right, sorry. She's talking to Poppy about something. They've been whispering to each other with their heads together for nearly half the sorting ceremony."

"She hasn't spoken to her in months, Sebastian. She's probably just catching up with her." Ominis sighed.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Sebastian muttered. What was Diane telling her? Poppy was far more perceptive than she let on...

"Oh my god will you two just shut up about her?" Imelda hissed from across the table.

"Oh, so sorry Imelda. We didn't realize you were sore about losing those races, still." Sebastian sneered. "You should probably go see the nurse about that hurt ass of yours."

"I'll have you know I practiced all summer, and I'm sure I can beat that damn Puff any time, now." Imelda growled in challenge.

"Am I supposed to care?" Sebastian tilted his head curiously as he snarked.

Imelda growled again in frustration and turned around to watch the ceremony with a dark glower.

"Charming as always, Sebastian." Ominis chuckled.

"I can talk about whoever I damn well like." Sebastian muttered, still watching Diane. Poppy looked over to them at one point, looking back to Diane quickly when she saw he was looking. Shit, yeah they were talking about them.

Really, he should be glad he was even here. If Diane hadn't stood up for him then he would have definitely been expelled, if not thrown into Azkaban. It was surreal that no one in this room except Ominis and Diane even knew that had happened. It felt like he had a mark on him that should show it to everyone who saw him, yet no one knew.

"And now you've gone silent, which is never a good sign." Ominis said warily.

"I'm just thinking."

"Uh oh." Ominis said in mock fear.

"Very funny." He grinned over to Ominis in amusement. "I was thinking how good it is to be able to be here."

Ominis went silent for a long moment, before bringing a hand up to rub Sebastian's back reassuringly. He didn't need to say anything else. He was glad he was here, too.


Sebastian walked into defense against the dark arts and breathed in deeply as if savoring the smell of the singed leather and wood. "Ah, my favorite class." He said happily, Ominis chuckling beside him.

"I'm glad you enjoy yourself, Sallow. Now take your places." Professor Hecat directed, motioning to the empty seats. Diane waved to them across the room, Sebastian grinning back as he sat down beside Ominis.

"Last year you learned mostly offensive magic for dueling. This year we will be learning defensive magic. In my experience I have found the most useful magic to be that of nonverbal spellcasting. This enables you to cast spells in situations that demand you be discrete." Hecat turned around to look at the class. "First of all, I will say this will not be easy for most of you. It takes a great deal of concentration, particularly for more powerful spells. Mind magic is different for each witch and wizard, so unfortunately for you there is no one right way to do so. It will take practice and dedication to master.
We will begin by casting magic without our wands. So everyone, wands on the desk in front of you."

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