Chapter 1

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A/N: I tried finding the OG artist, but I sadly couldn't; I found this on Tumbler on a fanfare anonymous page. And for some reason that goes with every pic you see on this page I'm sorry. Also, this is my first Boy Y/n story, so my they/she-ass is learning, this might be the cringiest thing you might read. 😧😮‍💨 Okay, don't be mean have fun!!! (Also I hope being a sub is okay I'm invisioning a very dominant relationship between these two) Sorry, continue...

You were a kid from class 1-B, you weren't very popular and tried not to stand out among the crowd. Not due to your confidence, but more over your short fuse and a low tolerance for complete bullshit. Sure the girls were nice and were well off and the Guys were decent, but the whole competition with 1-A consumed their lives and ate away at their egos. You, on the other hand, accepted your level of quirk ability and combat skills, you wanted to continue to grow, without being held back mentally, your soulmates already gave you a hard enough time with the up-and-down rollercoaster of super hyped to super pissed off.

You sighed, as your alarm sounded echoed off the dorm walls and filled your ears with a head-hammering sound. You turned it off with a groan and fumbled out of bed before cracking your back and making your way to the bathroom hall. You hummed at nothing as you took the towel from your locker and turned on the water adjusting it to the right temp. You strip down and hopped in the shower just as the others began to file in; all were laughing and hollering at each other as they made their way in.

"Hey, did you see Y/N last night?"

"Yeah, fucking weirdo"

"Isn't he supposed to be getting better?"

"He's better than you"

"You shouldn't have a say F*g"

"Go to hell!"

They openly laughed at each other as they began to file into the showers, you shrugged off their words and took a small breath 'I haven't been here as long as them' you say to yourself, as you reach out to your soulmates with a doubting destress. You felt their warmth and worry surround you as they reach back out, you felt more at ease knowing they hadn't forgotten you just yet.

Even though they didn't know you, you knew them quite well, just from the marks that decorated the back of your neck. The marks were of a gear-like piece surrounding an explosion, when you came here 6 months into the school year, the moment you saw them fighting it left no doubt in your mind about who they were.

you only hoped they'd have a similar one of each other, but with your symbol; leading you to wonder what it might be, A atom vector to represent your quirk, or something more simple? You honestly just hoped it didn't look weird. You got out of the shower and got ready for the day, slicking back your hair and putting on your uniform. You knew you had training today so you packed your gym bag with your suit, water bottle, and weaponry (Two blades).

You turned on your headphones and walked out to the kitchen area where Kendo, Pony, and Ibara were making food. "Hey rep," you breathe walking past them to grab an apple. "Morning Y/n," Kendo smiled back at you. "Do you want some breakfast? We're making some for everyone," Pony asked. You shook your head and left the dorms without saying goodbye, you had to meet up with thirteen anyways to discuss your treatment plan.

Six months ago you were brought here against your will, your rehabilitation process after being found in a sex trade center with only two other survivors among the fifty dead victims. The other two that survived with you were a little girl around 6 or 7 and a elementary school-aged boy who looked around 8 or 9. The little girl you named Aiko because she forgot her name but the boy his name was Tatsuya, after you were found you three were separated from each other for your "safety". They named it the Hansogt assassination, you could never forget how weak you felt the day they caught you on your way home.

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