Chapter 4

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A/N: hehe them in their fem boy era 💅

After intense training for about three hours, you along with the rest of class 1-B we're ready to pass out; while class 1-A still look as fresh as daisy 'what the fuck' you thought to yourself as the girls were playfully running around and teasing one another and the boys were doing much the same. You gave Bakugou a run for his money but you untimely got your ass handed to you, You took a long sip of your water as you caught your breath from the 2 mile run.

You caught a glimpse of your soulmates talking to each other on the lawn, Kirishima looked you way with a smile across his face. He waved at you wanting you to join them when Bakugou suddenly pulled at Kirishima jaw and pulled him into a possessive kiss, kirishima didn't hesitate to kiss back. You awkwardly turned you view to shinso who had a bright loud blond bouncing around in his lap like a puppy. You sighed and found that Kendo was busy flirting with Momo, so your sat back against the wall and looked up at the afternoon sky. The clouds were slowly sifting as the sun shone brightly through the rows of trees and tall buildings.

You felt alone, as the calming peace of the afternoon began to sway, the quiet enveloped your thought as you finally got a second of much need privacy. But it end as soon as you got comfortable, a shadow casted over you and you opened your eyes to see Kirishima standing above you with his hand out stretched to you. You chuckled and took his hand, standing to your feet, "Hi Y/n, wanna hang out with me and bakugou?" he asked in a awkward but sweet way.

"The fact that I interacted with you yesterday was a blessing within it self and my social battery has not recharged in 8 years; so no" You say trying to be as blunt as possible to get him to leave you to you depressed thoughts and main character energy of looking off into the future and seeing something that will probably never happen in real life. Because you lie to yourself by pretending that your life will get better so you have an excuse to live another day, when in reality life is just a giant pyramid scheme run by those with money rather then those without, you however are at the bottom due to your lack of skill, looks, and abilities. But no the less you were tried and didn't prepare yourself you socialize with your soulmates just yet.

"please! I promise he'll be nice" Kirishima pouted, pulling at your arm, You were also to tried to fight so with his pleads you gave in and followed him over to were bakugou was huffing and puffing. You practically collapsed on the lawn and laid flat on your stomach in the warm sun, "mmm" you groaned in pleasure as the heat hit your skin, Kirishima quietly laughed noticing how much you looked like a cat sunbathing. "So what do you want?" you yawned turning over on your back to look at the red head in the eyes.

"uhm, I thought you were pretty cool and I wondered if we can be friends!" the shiny bright one side, "Yeah, I'm not really on the market for friends, I got Shinso and kendo..and they're to much as is," you say trying to get him to leave you alone. "Come on you have to have more friends then that" kirishima laughed shoving your shoulder, you sit up and rubbed your arm shaking your head, "nope, just them" you smile.

Bakugou looked at you with a confused pissed off look, Kirishima sighed uncomfortably but smiled back as you laid down on the grass again. You took in the smell of fresh grass but the tag on your neck began to bother you; with a grunt you to off your jacket revealing your shirtless form. As you picked at the tag to try and pull it off, Bakugou had slowly gotten behind you. He pulled you back by the neck, and you had finally realized the mistake you had just caused.

Bakugou had you by the neck and looked at you through narrow eyes, "Where'd you get this mark?" 'Fuck Fuck fuck fuck' you thought as you tried to pull away. Bakugou only tightened his grip on the nape of your neck, Kirishima moved in front of you with a jarred expression. "Hi," He whispered, trying to find the words for you being his soulmate. "KENDO, HELP ME OUT!!" you screamed from the top of your lung as you shift you body away from bakugou's.

The commotion caught both classes attention and pissed of Kendo, she grabbed bakugou with a big hand and and threw him aside. The rest of class one b became unsettled and aggressive, they may not have like you much but you were still the team mate. Shinso help you up and held a hand to the back of your neck, as another boy had brought back your jacket.

Once you slipped it one you noticed how the class had gathered around you, guarding you from Kirishima and Bakugou. You took a breath of relief, but you could tell that Bakugou was only getting more agitated. As well you could feel Kirishima's disappointment and sadness, you pushed yourself in front of the class to try and defuse the situation.

Kendo sighed at your request for a moment alone with them, and pushed the rest of the class away.

I Know it's short but cut me some slake I like reading to 😗

SoulMates, Kiribaku x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now