Chapter 5.1

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A/N: I have like a lot of tests coming up, 😅 have fun I really liked writing this chapter!!

It's been a few weeks now and your siblings have gone back home, you have been avoiding the questions, comments, and stares you had gotten from class 1-A. You class tried to shield you as much as possible from the abrasiveness that was class 1-A, you sighed as you finished the rest of your homework.

You and Shinso were studying in the library, he let you have your space about the issue on Kirishima and Bakugou but it was starting to eat at him to. "Y/N! What is going on, why don't you want to see your soulmates?" Shinso asked, after the silence finally got to him. "That's none of your business" you groaned. He slammed his hands on the table, grabbing your attention again, "you don't wanna talk...fine, then let's fight!" he growled.

"I'm not fighting you," you scoffed

"Why, Afraid you'll lose?"

"Oh please, I can kill you without my quirk," you laughed.

"Then talk" he pressed.

"You know what...fuck it, I've got nothing better to do" you shrugged standing up shoving your books in your bag, "Hands up mind freak," you growled. He scoffed curling his hands into fists, shinso throws the first punch and hits you. You grunt as he pulls back from your stomach, then laughing hysterically and you standing up straight.

Shinso throws another punch but this time with the reflexes of a cat you move out of shot, grabbing his wrist and throwing him over your shoulder on to the ground. You circle the purple hair boy then take him by his collar and with darken cold eyes stare straight into his as you land a punch to his jaw.

"Wanna talk feeling? alright, try coming from a whole other country with little to now experience with the language then just get kidnapped and live in the sex slave trade for three year then come out and getting stuck with a bunch of wannabe heroes with blatant entitlement...and have to deal with half your class telling you to your face your nothing" You laughed as you held him by his hair under you. "Just imagine the mental strain that can take on a person...come on Shin's think; if you were so depressed you want to kill yourself would you want to face the people that have felt the same way because you were to weak or pull yourself together and stand up for yourself?" You hummed, you slammed his face to the ground and aloud for a electric ball of energy fill your hand.

Shinso pushed you off him and jumped at the chance to pin you, "That wasn't your fault, you need to face them They'll tell you the same fucking thing you brat!" he growled with a hand on your neck.

"What are you gonna do, it's not like you can push us in a closet and lock the door, I'm not talking to them!" you state pulling him off you, and jumping to your feet. He get up himself and shrugs "Don't tempt me," he smirked. "You motherfucker, you try that and I will not hesitate to cat-nap Dorito!" You threaten back, he hit you on the side of the head and looked at you with a death glare. "No one threatens Dorito" he growled.

You both laughed it off and pack up your things before heading back to the class, Shinso saw the open janitors closet up ahead and snickered. He shoves you in and slams the door, "YOU ASS LET ME OUT!!" you scream kicking and punching the door. He looked around and picks up the nearby broom, propping it in place locking the door. Shinso runs over to denki and mina to tell the the plan, they both snicker and run to their class pulling out Kirishima with bakugou run behind them. Shinso quickly opens the door and Mina shoves Kiri in allowing bakugou to run inside to grab him. Kirishima landed on top of you as the door began to shut a string of profanities left bakugou's mouth.

"Uh babe, we're not alone" Kirishima stumbled as he lifted himself off you, and helping you up. "Hold on shitty hair I'm trying to find the stupid light" bakugou growled. The light turns on and bakugou turns to look at you and Kirishima, you back away from the two fighting back your fear.

"Y/N! oh uhm I mean...Hey" Kirishima smiled, "So your finally ready to speak uh?" Bakugou scoffed. He held kirishima by the waist and hugged him from behind as you awkwardly watch. "no!!" you blurt before running pas the to try and bust down the door, You couldn't collect enough energy in there to properly blow it to piece. Bakugou walked over and pulled you away trying to blow it to pieces for you, he had you by the waist and were light explosions from his other hand.

The blush on your face burned bright red as Kirishima pulled you from Bakugou and pinned you to the wall, Bakugou uses both hands and creates a large explosion that filled the room. The door open, allowing for kirishima to pull you not out, "You okay?" Kirishima ask bakugou. Bakugou nodded and looked back at you, you were curled in a tight ball on the floor trying to not have another panic attack. "What do we do?" Bakugou asked as he feels his chest tightening feeling the paining you were in. Kirishima sighed and sat next to you, rubbing you back and humming, your breathing being to slow, you leaned against him and waited for a response.

"I don't know what's going on but your my soulmate, and I know you feeling it opposite side of a magnet being attracted to each other, and quite literally belong why won't you let us?" Kiri asked. "I don't want to loose anyone else," you mutter after taking a long breath "Me either" he hummed "But I promise we will always come back if you just let us try" Bakugou sat next to you on the other side and put a hand on your shoulder. You three sit there for what seem like hours in the blissful silence, Bakugou had soon had you in his arms and was playing with your hair and Kirishima had his head on your chest.

Shinso walks out of class and spots you between the popular couple and smirked as if he had been right. You just roll your eyes, "Guys, uhm do you wanna maybe hang out this weekend?" you asked. "Yeah! you can come to our dorm, we just got the new playstation" Kirishima offered.

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