part 14.1

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A/n: 1.09k✨🥹 you guys are awesome, thank you so much 😭

You wake up to the sound of a blaring alarm sound so with a groggy sigh you lift yourself and try to climb over Kirishima to turn it off. You fall back between them when the sleeping redhead turns over and grabs you by the waist, You crash your head with Bakugou's and groan at the pain. Bakugou grumbles as he wakes up holding his head, "What the" bakugou pauses looking down at you still half asleep holding your head in pain. He then leans over you both and turns off the headache of an alarm both sliding back under the sheets and holding you close, he kisses your head with a small chuckle before pushing Kirishima to wake him up.

The befuddled redhead murmured at Bakugou's attempts before turning onto his back and opening his crimson eyes with a gentle sigh. You turn to bakugou and can't resist his messy hair it was soft when you ran your hands through the perfect blond tuffs and somehow smelt like candy but which one you couldn't quite shake. He leaned into your hands as he held you tightly with a soft grumble that vibrated onto your stomach, Kirishima turned back over and joined the cuddle clinging onto you and hiding his face between your shoulders. Their breath tickled your skin, they were like two big dogs using you like a pillow; After a while, you lazily got out of bed and found your way to the showers.

When you went into the locker room it was more comforting and less toxic than class B's dorms. The boys were busy talking about training regimens to gossip and talk shit about one another. If anything they were supportive of each other which felt even stranger, You made your way to one of the showers just like you would back at your old dorm to strip off your clothes. "Hey, Y/n what're you doing?" Deku asked stopping you, You turned back to him with a nervous smile and stuttered as you figured out what to say. But as you start you just give up on trying and shrug, "Uh your dorms work differently than mine did...I guess," you say before setting your stuff down on one of the benches.

"Oh okay!!" he cheered in response before going back to talk to Iida, With a relieved sigh you look around and put a few things into your locker before waiting for the locker room to clear up so you can head back to the showers. Bakugou bragged through the door and stomped over to his locker before stripping down to his boxers and heading back to the showers. The room was held in a tense hush as everyone waited for him to leave before they quietly started talking again. "He has no respect for this school," Iida states with a huff as he looks back to where bakugou stood. "It's bakugou he's not a morning person," Deku defended with a shrug.

Never mind they are toxic, you roll your eyes and just sigh before taking off your shirt showing off your scars and branding. The long scars that crossed your back were from being beaten with a throned whip and the smaller slashes the traces on your left side were from being cut by the guard's blades. Your soul mark is on full display as you reach for your shower materials before you run your hand through your hair and you feel your eyes look your way.

The recognizable Roman numerals XIV number 221 embellish your lower left hip on your back. The room once again falls silent as you pull off your sweats showing where you had gotten surgery to repair the fractured bone and torn muscle. You look around making many of the boys turn their heads away as you grab your towel and head back to the showers.

"He has more scars than Deku," one commented,

"Is it from his quirk?" someone joined,

"Can't be he has an energy-typed quirk," replied another,

The whispers and murmurs grew loud as they talked among themselves while you turned on the hot water, You stepped in and sighed as the water hit you. "Morning guys!" a familiar voice called as the door slammed shut. "Oh! hey Kiri," Denki smiled softly before going back to a whisper. "Why is everyone so quiet," Kirishima asks, you shift on the balls of your feet as you here the muttering of another student. "Shut the hell up!" You hear kirishima huff aloud before the sound of footsteps coming closer to you. You see the door to your shower open and kirishima standing there with a seething snarl with wide eyes you stare back at him awkwardly.

He huffs again and stripes of his clothes before jumping into your shower without asking, "What are you doing," you groan with a blush growing on your face. Ejiro pours his bottom lips and pulls you into his chest and holds you, "They're all dicks your fucking hot," he growls into your shoulder making you chuckle at his stupid comment. "You here for that? You're an idiot," you laugh making him let you go, "Now get out of My shower," you pressed. "No!" Kirishima huffed trying to pull you into him again you fight back and try your best to get the shower invader to leave.

"Kiri get out!" you yelp with a laugh as you use all you weight to try and push him out, "No!" he yells back in response, "One Student per shower!" a Stern voice calls from the door. You both look at each other and kirishima looks out and see Aizawa on the other side holding a towel out for one of you. "Well...what are you waiting for?" He asked staring back at Kirishima, the redhead looks at you with fear in his eyes before stepping out and taking the towel. "Y/n thirteen office Asap!" Aizawa calls before a door slams shut, 'Shit' you thought quickly finishing showering before getting dressed and rushing out of the locker room.

"FOOD!" you hear a voice shouts, you look back and see Momo standing there with a plate of food and an apple. "Fuck just throw it, I gotta go!" you groan. She sigh throwing you the apple before you book it to the door, "you think he'll know?" Kendo asked coming around the corner. "He might," She shrugged before laughing and kissing kendo in the cheek. You run out past the court yard and through the empty hallways, you look at each door as you pass them till you stop at thirteens office.

You knock on the door and she opens it and lets you in, you see your caseworkers Hana and Ren with Detective Makoto sitting on the couch waiting for you. You bow and greet each of them before sitting across from them in one of the chairs and catch your breath. "Thirteen filled us in on what's happening and we want to assure you that we're working with endeavors agency to keep you and your family safe," Detective Markoto explained with a grin.

"But we're not here because of the incident," Hana added with an excited smile, you smile at her comment and ask why they were here. "We found your parents!" Hana burst out in glee, you look at them in surprise speechless not knowing what to say. On one hand you

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