Chapter 3

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——————————Y/N Pov——————————-

You get up in the early morning with a little girls foot shoved in your face and a boys hand pulling at your hair; "Guys, come on get off" You groan lifting you self up making Aiko and Tutsuya tumble onto the bed and off your back. You get up fully and take Aiko in your arms, "Come on, who wants breakfast?" you ask, leading them downstairs into the dining area.

The girls are there already waiting for them, they're squeals of happiness sent them into an uproar as they fussed over the two kids. You looked at Kendo and handed the ginger haired girl Aiko, "I'm gonna take a gonna be okay?" you say looking at her. She smiles as she pushes you to the dorm bathrooms, "Wait for me!!!" Tutsuya cried, finally getting out of the girls grasps and hiding behind you. "I guess I'll take him with me?" You laughed, as you turned to leave.

"I'm gonna shower, if you want to take one we have and extra shower no one uses at the very end," you said, grabbing your towel and clothes; you handed him a towel and spare clothes, with a smile. Tutsuya walked down the line of showers and turned the corner, you shrugged off his odd manor and went to take your own shower. You stood among the calming atmosphere of the timed water droplets hitting your skin, the dimmed light reflecting off the mirrored door, to the sound of the air brushing through the vent chilling the cubicles and slightly icing the cold shower floor.

The calmness however didn't last, as your skin began to heat up and your heart beat quicken; your felt the trailing touch of another running their hands up between you thigh. You breath hitched as you knew you were cornered, the feeling of light kisses trailed your stomach making you ache for the real thing.

You held onto the bar as the feeling became more present, you closed your eyes and covered your mouth hoping it would pass. Flashes of a redhead sucking another popped into your mind, then switching to a blond moaning as he held onto the others shoulders. 'Fuck' Your cock was getting hard, and needed tending to. But you knew it would only make things worse, you waited out the aching pain coiling in your stomach. You fell to the ground as your leg's weakened and your hands violently paralyzed themselves. You let out a breath as it finally passed, 'God fucking hell, what we're they doing'. Your face still ran hot as you regained consciousness, and stood back to your feet; the others had just started to file in and you wanted to get out of there as soon possible.

"Did you see the little girl?"

"yeah, she reminds me of my sister"

"Kendo said she was here because of Y/n"

"Really? so he get to flaunt his sister around to get girls but I can't!"

"Dude, their not even his"

"so he really is a villain? called it!"


"Pay up asshole!!"

"Y/N isn't a villain, you self sabotaging man whore!! He's twice the man you'll ever be!!" a young voice cried. Your blood ran cold as you remembered Tutsuya was still in here;

"There's another one?"

"how many of you are there"

"little guy this is an adult conversation"

"Fuck you I'm not little"

"He sounds like a mini bakugou"

"Yeah and he can beat your ass all the same" You said walking out in your towel, "how much have you heard?" Awase asked. "Everything for the past eight months; I enjoy to criticism." you smirk. Their face went blank and had little expression, "Tutsuya go get dressed before I forget to take you with me," you add walking over to your locker to get dressed. Tutsuya did as you asked and went to get dressed, the others looked at you with malice as the filed out into the rest of the showers. You finally got dressed and prepared things like alway expected this time you took the bag you packed for Tutsuya and Aiko and took out a little dress with a sunflower print for Aiko along with her favorite black shoes and a bow for her hair. As soon as Tutsuya came out, you both left for the kitchen.

"Y/N!!" Aiko yelled, running up to you and hugging you "hey baby, ready to get dressed?" "yeah, I want to do it myself!" she responded. "Sure, you can use the girls restroom okay?" you smile, she takes her dress from you and rushes into the bathroom. You walk over to the table and hang you bags off the chair, "I made some rice and eggs, do you want it?" kendo asked tutsuya. He looked up at you to see if it was okay and you nodded your head in return, you went into the kitchen and took an apple to easily eat on the way over. "Hurry up, okay we need to visit someone before class." you said, looking at his full plate.

Aiko came out in her little dress and ran right into your arms, "Baby you looks so pretty! can I do your hair?" you ask her holding up a brush and headband, she nods her head and you get to work on her hair. You braided in two braids and add the headband at the end, you remember to put on her knee long socks and black shoes. "Ready Tutsuya?" you ask looking back at the boy, taking Aiko in your arms. He nodded taking one last bite and standing to his feet, you grab your bags and take his hand in yours, "Let's get going" you smile.

As you walk the trail you notice the stares you got as you walked by with Aiko on your arm and Tutsu on your right, You stiffened but kept walking keeping the tutsu close. Present Mic cut you off on the way to thirteens office, "Hey kid listeners, welcome to the great UA! anyways L/N, Thirteen isn't here today their out on a mission; and Vlads also out so we're gonna have your class mesh with 1-A for the day." He explained. "With all their training? I don't think I want them around that" you said concerned.

"Don't worry, during your training I'm gonna come and take them off your hands for a playdate with my little one!" he smiled. You nodded and sighed "Yeah, okay but they'll be with me the rest of the day right?" you ask. He nodded back in response ruffling Tutsu's hair, "I'll see you later kids" he replied walking off.

You shrug, "who wants to meet Aizawa?" you tease pulling at Aiko's nose. You lucky got a smile out of the sweet Aiko, and even got a smirk from Tutsuya. You decide to just head to your class and talk to the others; You still have to make a 'friend' to make the hero commission happy. After the encounter with Kirishima you were ready to go back in you shell and hide among your broken memories and insecurities. You walked into class and set Aiko in the chair next to your desk and fixed her dress.

The students filed in, laughing up a storm, they filed in around you taking their seats, or grouping together in their little friends clusters. You waved to Shinso who had sat in the desk in front of you, "Cute kids," he groaned. "where have you been," you asked as Tutsu tries to climb you as if you were a tree. "I've been training with pikachu from 1-a," he yawned back. "Alright students is everyone here?" Aizawa grumbled walking into the class. He gained the full class's attention, Kendo stood to her feet and answered his questions with her usual bright smile.

"Alright then come on idiots, your fusing with my class today," he sighed, leaving the room. You followed behind, as Aiko tried to run toward the man. "1-A follow me," he said poking into his own class. As their class bundled with yours, you became quite popular with the little kids on your arm. "Can you guys act like there not here?" you almost plead, With that you took Aiko in your arms and Tutsuya's hand and dragged them along side the teacher. "Drop with off with mic he's in room 405, but get back quick we have training all day." "Thank you sir," you say, and rush off with them.

You get back to the class as Aizawa explains the training, You hadn't had time to even change yet. Eir, Present mic's daughter was scared of Tutsu and you had to holding him back to lecture about being to rough. Out of breath, Kendo greeted you with open arms as well as Shinso. "Go change, I'm pairing you with Bakugou" Aizawa called, you eyes land on the tall blond. He looked smug as he stared back at you with quite the same hatred. With a sigh you got dressed, and came back out to fight the Almighty ass hole.

His grin was as wide as the cheshire cat, he blond hair flowed in wind, as his gave off small fire cracker like explosions. With a breath you reach the energy from all around you, collecting it from the ground, animals, and other people. For a slight moment everything felt peaceful and the energy reached your fingertips and glowing balls of blue light appeared in each one. You could use the energy to not only fight with but to help shield you, your power was diverse with its use, due to the fact that energy can take on any form. With an impressive power would you have easily been in 1-A if not for your late enrollment, and sentence. Bakugou charge at you with an aimed attach, with just a few movements a shield was surrounding you and the expressed energy from his quirk was fueling your own. "This should be fun," you smirked releasing the energy directly back at the blond, striking him down for a few moments.

word count: 1704

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