Chapter 2

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A/N: Artist @_Tvilin on Twitter and Instagram

——————— Kiribaku third person ——————

"Bakugou help! I can't do brain things," Kirishima whined, he dropped his head down in his textbook, hoping for the least bit of pity from his blond partner. But with a fuse of an alcoholic dad on crack, Bakugou reared back his hand and bonk the pathetic man-child on the head. "You should know this by now shitty hair, I just fucking taught you!" he screamed in his usual caring manner. "Yeah, but you keep distracting me each time" Kirishima retorted, "Oh really, by what?!" Bakugou asked, narrowing his eyes like a serpent on the hunt and his frown edging his lips with a tainting teethful growl. "You...You look super hot with glasses," Kirishima teased kissing his lover's ear, making the blond's face flush and turn pink.

Kirishima smirked and slid his hand under the table and onto Bakugou's thigh, "Maybe we should take a break?" his teased line kisses down Bakugou's neck. "Fuck off," the blond said finally snapping out of it and letting off a small explosion to threaten Kirishima. "Fine," he pouted, puffing out his bottom lip and looking away from the smaller boy. "Alright, here's what you do," Bakugou said groaning. He felt as if his third soulmate fell frantic and helpless; Kirishima notably started shivering with tears in his eyes, Bakugou clenched his heart as it speed up and his mind went blank. Kirishima took his love's hand in his and held it to his chest as he lightly cussed at the helpless feeling.

After a few minutes, the feeling subsided, and Bakugou's breath went back to normal and Ejiro wiped the tears from his eyes. "I hope they're okay," Kirishima commented, Bakugou lightly nodded and reached out to their mysterious third with concern. Soulmates could feel each other's feelings, and if strong enough see small visions of what their soulmate saw, but since they hadn't met it felt as if the boys were on one side of this mind wall and could only reach their third through great effort. When they finally got back a comforting sign that they were alright, Kirishima let out a sighing of relief and smiled at Bakugou. Bakugou smirked slightly in response as well and tightened his grip on his rock man's hand.

They hoped to find their soulmate soon, especially with all the anxiety attacks and depressive episodes they'd had after coming out of what seemed to be a really bad situation. About a year ago they got continuous flashes of dead people, blood, beatings, cuttings, and a whole lot more; it's what made Bakugou's rage episodes and made Kirishima good at pushing away his emotions. After Bakugou and Kirishima found out they were soulmates, their episodes became less frequent then after a while they couldn't reach their soul mate for what seemed like months. But more recently, with their soulmate being more communicative with their emotional bond with the boys, it lead to the brain wall being weakened ever so slightly each time they reached out, either willingly or unknowingly.

Bakugou got up from his place next to the redhead and laid on the bed across from the desk. Bakugou knew that when the anxiety took over, to lay down as soon as possible before it would lead him to pass out; Kirishima sighed and lay next to him in silence, kissing his ear and neck as well as along his chest. "Babe" the blond choked, holding Kirishima's hand and pulling him on top of himself, "Just rest, I'm sure Aizawa wouldn't mind you missing one class, plus he knows about us, he'd understand," Kirishima comforted.

Denki walked into the room a bit later and poked at Kirishima, "Hey dude, we're on shark week and need someone to run out for food...and I and Sero are kinda busy keeping her emotions level do you mind?" he whispered, with a pleading look Kirishima sighed and got up slowly from the bed. "What's on the list, any new cravings?" he asked leading Denki out of their room and closing the door. "Pickles? and just the usual her very long Starbucks order, ice cream, chocolate, a lot of fruit, chips, and strawberry soda...that's a new one" He smiled handing Kirishima a list of foods. "Alright, no one goes near this door; Bakugou got another anxiety attack and I won't have you ass holes waking him up again!" Kirishima said with a stern glare festering in his eyes.

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