Part 15

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After taking what seemed like a step forward was really just you running face-first into another spiraling rabbit hole. You had locked yourself away in your room for the past three days without food or water, every so often a knock came on the door with another worried voice.

You curled into a ball on your bed as you held your blanket above your head to block out the sunlight, You again felt worried and wanted to hide but it wasn't possible with two mates. I could smell them, they had practically been camped outside my dorm ever since I had locked my door and refused to open it.

"We brought you food," A voice called with a knock, "If you don't open this door I'm gonna blow it to pieces!" Another voice shouted, you tightened yourself in the little cocoon you had made and ignored the threat. "FUCK I WARNED YOU!!" He screamed and with that, a loud explosion followed by your ears ringing made you sit up, the door was gone and bakugou was standing there with firecrackers-like explosions still being set off.

Kirishima stepped past the angered Pomeranian, with a sigh and sat at the edge of your bed handing you the food, "Please just take a bite," he murmured softly, his ruby eyes soft and laced with beseech. Your stomach was rumbling while your head was pounding from not eating the last few days so even though disgusted with yourself, your body, your took the sandwich he had brought and took a bite.

Kirishima smiled happily in relief as he sat closer to your side so you could lean onto his shoulder if you needed to. The blond huffed and sat on your other side still seething with anger and possibly anxiety too, you couldn't tell if it was you or him who had a rapidly beating heart and insecure thoughts.

Being between them was comforting to a fault but it didn't change the problem, the situation you had put them in, the situation you put your sister in. I forced myself to take another bite before putting to sandwich back on the tray and leaning against Bakugou. "I can't eat," You muttered pushing the tray away with your foot, kirishima ran his hand through your messy hair to comfort you with a sweet hum as bakugou grumbled at the waste of food.

Katsuki got up abruptly and walked out without a word leaving me alone with the redhead, we both looked at each other confused as he came back with his computer. He handed it to me as he sat back down and pulled my frailing body into his lap, you studied what you saw and found a pic of my sister and a map of the place she might be. The tears in your eyes were about to fall when you looked back at him and he clicked to the next screen, "I know it's not much but from recent evidence it seems she's alive," he said.

"And she's here?" you asked pointedly, bakugou nodded as you sighed in relief, "Thank heavens, Dear Emilia," you whispered brushing away the water from your eyes as you smiled. "Thank you!" You muttered turning back to hug them, "All we have to do is go get her," bakugou replied rubbing your lower back before kissing me softly. "Thank you," you repeated, you ran your hands through the blond's hair as he pulled you into another kiss. You felt Kirishima's hands
trail down your waist to your hips after putting the laptop on the side table, "Thank you," you muttered, the redhead hummed in response as he kissed your cheek kinda disappointing you a little.

"You need to talk to Kendo, she's worried about you," he whispered, he ruffled your hair Bakugou seemed to have other plans when his grip tightened on your hip as he forcefully rolled your hips against his. The friction felt fantastic as he did it again, "Katsuki Bakugou!" Kirishima said raising his voice, "Worng mindset!" he said pulling at the blond's ear,

"uh rude," he huffed back. Bakugou glared at Kirishima but knew he wasn't winning this round so he flipped you onto your back gently moving the collar of your shirt every so slightly and bit down harshly. He began to suck and lick at your skin till a red mark appeared between his teeth marks, "We'll continue this later," he growled into your ear, he got up and hummed in approval then got led out by Kirishima. "I shoulda fucked you till you couldn't walk last night," Kirishima's voice came to your ear as the two walked away, he quickly swatted bakugou in the back of the head as he pull him out of the room.

You groaned as you got up slowly and made your way out of your room and down the canopy still decorated from the first time she brought you there. She was out there reading a book curled up against the wall while she bit at her nails, "Hey kendo," you mutter your voice horse from not talking much. She dropped the book and got up to embrace me you willingly welcomed it as you sank to the cushioned floor.

She pulled you back and smiled with tears in her eyes as she brushed back the hair from your face, "Are you okay?" she inquired, You nodded granting her another tight hug, "You scared us...Even me," she muttered into your shoulder. "I didn't mean to," you said your head down trying to avoid her pleading desperate gaze, you could see a quivering smile cross her lips, "I know," she breathed.

"But are you okay?" she asked, she made you look up at her and you nodded slightly, "A little," you sighed. "Wanna talk about it?" "Not really," I replied, Kendo nodded and sat back thinking about what to do, "Wanna stay?" she asked, I nodded again and laid next to her before she tossed a blanket on me.

"Enter Ariel, driving in Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo in their stolen apparel.
Every man shifts for all the rest and lets no man take care of himself, for all is but fortune.
Coraggio, bully monster, coraggio. Stepphano stated," She began,

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