Part 13

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A/n: Man this story always seems to fix my writer's block 🤣 18+ CHILDREN LEAVE PLEASE 🙏

"A little over two years ago I was taken off the streets by sex traffickers, I had only lived in Japan for two months and was still learning the language. So no one understood me but it was worsened when three men cornered me in an alleyway when I was coming home from school. They only spoke Japanese and my father had taught me rather than to control my quirk to hide it because it's very dangerous. So not being able to rely on my quirk I got caught quickly, I was knocked out and dragged into a van.

When I came to I was strapped down on the floor and was lying on my stomach even if I wanted to move I was too sore and my head was still spinning. I could feel the cold metal of the wall against my bare skin making me think they had also stripped me, I tried to focus on the movement of the van. We went down steep hills and sharp turns, we were going very fast but it was also a long drive. I could hear the sounds of guns being reloaded and chains rattling above me, but the most horrific were the sounds of their voices. They were all male with deep foreign accents, When the van did stop and they pulled me out by the tuff of my hair, the sun blinded me for many moments before I finally saw the white van and the steel doors they were pushing me towards.

When I had finally been pulled inside the hot factory they threw me into a dog kennel, I could barely stand up and had just enough space to outstretch my arms and have my hands lay flat against the walls. The kennels had bar doors, thin metal walls with small long holes going across the top, the floor was padded with a towel, and lastly had metal bowl filled with water lying on the floor in front of the door. When I looked out of my cage I saw a row of other people in the same typed kennel, what was weird was they were all different: old, young, women, and men.

That night another person was thrown into a kennel next to me, a young girl I could tell by the way she cried and screamed for her mother. Her arms just fit between the bars as she reached out to the guard, The cold man looked at her daringly with a horse crop in his hands as she cried. That night I met a mother of four She had been there longer than anyone yet she looked in her mid-thirties, She sang out with a warming smile she watched as the young girl calmed and soon fell asleep. She looked at me after and said her name was Alexandria and she was from Greece, She told me about the guards, the routine, where I was, and most of all how to survive." You sighed taking a drink of water.

"Keep going, what happened next?" Kendo smiled killing a pillow between her arms as she looked at you eagerly, "Is the girl Aiko? Did Alexandria live?! Tell me!" she whined. "Calm down, yes Aiko's the girl and will you please give me a minute the next part isn't pretty okay!" You huffed. After a still moment, you cleared your mind trying to bring yourself back to the night you met him.

"The factory had bared windows, the moonlight reflected off the the top of the kennel and hit my cell. I still could barely see as I lay on the cold concrete floor with the towel wrapped around my naked bruised body. The heavy large doors that led to freedom rattled before opening and two men in crisp pristine black suits walked down the aisle. They talked in whispers to each other as they looked at each of us a little like an abusive farmer would his cattle. The men reached my cage and stared at me for long moments in silence before I heard the door open.

I was grabbed by the back of the neck and pulled out, then restrained my arms before gagging me and pulling me toward the back of the warehouse. I was taken into a small room with a worn bed and concrete walls; They hooked my restrains to a hook attached to a chain, and it lifted me just enough to steady myself on my toes. The men watched as the guard picked up a bat and started swinging it at my legs making me cough and scream in pain, but it hurt more with the gag in my mouth. I could barely breathe as they smoked their cigarettes and filled the room with its smolder.

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