Chapter 11

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Later that week, on your way back from training, you noticed class 1-A huddled around something in the hall. As your class walked by, they murmured and snickered to one other; you peeked over in curiosity but saw nothing, so you followed the other back to class. You tensed as you moved back over with your head down when you heard a cry emerge from the huddle, and it sounded like Bakugou. And sure enough, once you got to the front of the line, Bakugou was yelling at the top of his lungs while holding Kirishima. You looked around the class and saw how quiet it was as you watched Bakugou clutch him tightly to his chest and speak softly. You looked around the class and saw how quiet it was as you watched Bakugou clutch him tightly to his chest and whisper to himself. "What happened?" you whispered as you walked up to him; he looked up at you with wrath and tears in his eyes, and you knelt beside him, staring down at Kirishima.

Kirishima appeared to have gone through hell, with scars and bruises covering his flesh like lights on a Christmas tree without the beautiful colors and hopeful, it was more like a dismal reminder that people wanted to ignore. "A villain attacked, he couldn't get him off Kirishima, after a while he just left without a word," Bakugou groaned, taking him up into his arms, "I'm gonna take him to the nurse," he said. You saw Ejiro's back shoulder and felt a scorching in your shoulder; you recognized the branding and knew where it originated from. You chose to accompany Bakugou to the nurse to learn more about the attack.

Once at the nurse, Bakugou set Kirishima on the bed and left to wait outside you sat next to him and waited out a long silence. "You should go back to the class idiot," bakugou said looking up at you from his hands, "No" you replied. "What?" "Don't growl at me I'm here staying!" you huffed returning his disapproving look with one of your own. He grumbled at you while both waited for the recovery girl to come out and tell you something or anything. "I don't know if it's my place or not but I thought I'd ask anyways, are you okay?" you finally got up the courage to ask he looked at you and with a grimace shook his head no.

"I'm sorry, you guys go through so much, sure it gives you the experience but still I'd never think I'll be ready to face as many villains as you guys do," You commented, you looked down at your hands feeling helpless that you couldn't help. They had gone through so much and you were still stuck on the fact that you were trafficked, bakugou had been kidnapped and almost killed while you were helping some man get off to some weird sexual kink. The last time you felt this helpless you were being beaten with a whip and bleeding your body's worth. Bakugou took your hand and pulled you into a side hug, "At least everyone's alive," he grumbled with a small sigh of what sounded like relief.

"Uhm they guys that attack Ejiro...Who were they?" you wondered thinking you already knew who did it based on the inscription burned into his back, Bakugou shrugged in response with no real answer you guessed it was all too fast for him to get a good look at the idiots. "Can I tell you something, it's kinda a secret but I think it might help in finding out who did this to Kirishima and why," you said, it took all your strength not to blurt out it was your fault Ejiro of beating into his next life. You could feel him slipping away and so did bakugou, it burned and was like an unbearable pain that couldn't match any human torture.

"What?" Katsuki inquired with a worried brow, you swallowed your fear and stared back into his volcanic eyes, "Have you heard of the Hansogt assassination?" you breathed. It took him a moment before slipping his hand from yours and his eyes narrowed as he stared at you with malice. "Please let me explain?" you begged to take his hand in yours once more, he froze as noticed the tears forming in your eyes and nodded in grief,

"The day I was taken, I was walking home from school, I was 14 and in middle school but I had just moved from America so I was still getting used to navigating a new city. So I was walking home and three guys came out of nowhere in the middle of the day and pulled me into the alleyway, I tried fighting back but it was no use one of them could erase quirks. They drugged me and drove me to an old factory where they were holding hundreds of other people, of all ages, genders, and races. They were auctioned off many others that same night, and others like me stayed back for a few months to be tested by the clientele.

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