Part 16

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A/N: Guess who's back!!!!

Third-person POV:

Y/n found himself in a quiet corner of the classroom, deep in conversation with Kendo about the recent incident where he overused his quirk. Kendo, with a concerned expression, listened intently as Y/n explained how he had pushed himself too far and the toll it had taken on his body. "I'm just worried, you know?" Y/n admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I don't want to let my classmates down, especially now that we're gearing up to face Class 1A."

Kendo placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Don't worry, Y/n. Your health comes first. We can't have you risking yourself like that again. We're a team, and we'll support you through this."

Just then, Vlad King's booming voice echoed through the classroom, drawing everyone's attention. Y/N and Kendo turned to see Vlad standing at the front of the room, his eyes alight with excitement. "Alright class, I have a plan to beat that class of pricks once and for all!" Vlad announced, raising his claw in the air to pump up the class. "Now, with Y/N's quirk combined with the rest of you, we can show those kiss-ups who the real heroes are!"

The class erupted into cheers as Vlad continued to lay out his strategy, explaining how Y/N would play a crucial role in the upcoming battle. Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude at the unwavering support of his classmates and teachers.

Y/N's mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he listened to Vlad King's plan for the upcoming battle against Class 1A. While his classmates cheered around him, a sense of unease gnawed at him. The memory of overusing his quirk and the toll it had taken on his body lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over his excitement.

As Vlad's voice faded into the background, Y/N's thoughts turned inward. Will he be fully healed in time for the battle? What if he let everyone down because of his own recklessness? The scar on his arm, a painful reminder of his recent mistake, seemed to burn at the thought, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

Kendo, noticing the change in Y/N's demeanor, shot him a concerned look. "Y/N, are you okay?" She whispered, her voice filled with worry.

Y/N forced a smile, trying to push aside his doubts. "I'm fine, just... thinking about the battle," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Deep down, though, he couldn't shake the fear that his injury would hold him back and that he wouldn't be able to give his all when his classmates were counting on him the most. The scar on his arm throbbed with a dull ache, a constant reminder of his own vulnerability. Despite his inner turmoil, Y/N knew he had to push forward. He couldn't let his fear paralyze him, not when his friends and classmates were standing beside him, ready to fight as a team. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, determined to overcome his doubts and prove himself when it mattered most.

They headed out to the gym but instead Y/N was sent to the costumes to upgrade them to his liking, knowing now that the custom was really just suppressing his natural ability. Y/N stood in front of the full-length mirror, clad in his hero suit, a sleek and formidable ensemble designed to enhance both his capabilities and his style. The suit was all black with striking green stripes that cut across the fabric like flashes of lightning, adding a touch of vibrancy to the otherwise dark attire.

The shirt, sleeveless and tight-fitting, hugged his frame snugly, emphasizing his figure, which had been honed through hours of training and dedication. A sturdy harness crisscrossed over his shoulders and around his legs, providing both support and flexibility for his movements, a visual representation of the strength and unity he shared with his classmates.

Completing the ensemble were a pair of black cargo pants that offered both durability and freedom of movement, essential for any hero facing the challenges of a battle. A utility belt wrapped around his waist, stocked with an array of tools and gadgets to aid him in combat, was a silent promise of preparedness and resourcefulness.

As Y/N examined his reflection in the mirror, a sense of pride swelled within him. The hero suit was more than just a uniform; it was a symbol of his commitment to justice and his willingness to stand up and fight for what was right. The green stripes glowed with a subtle energy, a visual reminder of the power that coursed through his veins, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

With a final adjustment to his gear, Y/N nodded to himself, a steely determination shining in his eyes. He may have doubts and fears swirling in his mind, but in that moment, in that suit, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Clad in black and green, he was not just a hero in appearance but in spirit, prepared to rise to the occasion and prove his worth on the battlefield. He smiled at the person he saw in the mirror, his scar on full display. When he went back down to meet his class, he found that it had also been joint training with Class 1-A. He felt his soulmates' arousal from the minute their eyes locked to his; he gulped back his own feelings, heading over to his class with them hooting and hollering in awe.

Vald sauntered over to Y/N's side with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Nice outfit, kid." He complimented before looking at Kirishima and Bakugou. "I know those two boys are your soul mates, so I'm going to teach you a little trick before we dive into this training," he said, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. As the rest of the class buzzed with curiosity, Vald continued, "I'm going to show you how to shield off their emotions and create a barrier between their feelings and our own."

Y/N listened intently as Vald guided him through a visualization exercise. With a theatrical flair, Vald painted a vivid picture of the connections between individuals as if they were giant speakers playing music, with Vald holding the remote control. He instructed Y/N to imagine a play button and a volume button, explaining that the play button would sever the links entirely, while the volume button would act as a way to temporarily mute the connection as long as Y/N could maintain focus.

Y/N absorbed Vald's instructions, mentally preparing himself to practice this new technique. The imagery of the play and volume buttons resonated in his mind, offering a tangible method to shield himself from the overwhelming emotions of others. With Vald's guidance, Y/N felt empowered to navigate the intricate web of connections that bound him to his classmates, ready to test his newfound skills in the upcoming challenges.

When he finally perfected the cutting of connection, he was pinned against Izuku. Scared shitless, Y/N's speakers began to blare again in the back of his mind, the emotions crashing down on him like a sound wave. His heart was racing to the receiving beat. He took his bottom lip between his teeth and took control again as he stepped inside the circle. The objective was to throw the person out before you were thrown out. It was the first round and he could already tell he hadn't had a chance to warm up and still wasn't fully recovered from his last large blast. Still hoping to show that he could be useful, he decides to build up a fighting technique.

He was going to allow his blast to start out small and controlled but slowly become more like Bakugou's large explosions, unpredictable and chaotic. 'I need to be apart of the mission to find Mia; she's my sister, and I won't back away because I'm afraid.' he thought, raising his fists as the battle bell chimed.

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