Part 14.2

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A/n: guess who was out sick and by that I mean was in the ER with a kidney infection, hahaha life really kick my ass these past few weeks

Also, I'm going on a following spree for the month of October so if you follow me I'm gonna follow you 😝
so follow my page to get more updates and to ask me questions or to give feedback

Happy spooky season!!! 👻👻👻

Your mouth was open as you tried to process what they had just told you, but also wondered did you even wanted to see your family again. Look your mom and dad in the eyes after they fled the country with your little sister, did you wanna see your little sister after the last time you saw her crying about the fact that you held her hand?

The three in front of you look hopeful as you feel sweat trickle and form on your forehead, Hana and Ren are smiling from ear to ear as well as the officer. "uhm, thank you?" you say hoping not to hurt their feelings.

Hana and Ren looked at each other confused before Hana spoke up, "Is something wrong?"

"Y/n finding your family is a big deal, it means that this whole case can go a lot faster," Ren explained.

"I know, but I already have a family" You breath as you thought of Aiko, Tutsuya, Moe and Daiki, Kirishima, Bakugou, Kendo, Shinso, Denki, Momo, Thirteen, Aizawa. All of them, they were my family and Unlike my 'real' family they stayed, they believed me, and they were not afraid of me, something I never got from them.

"But they can't save you, kid, without your family you know the people who raised ain't getting out of this unscathed," The officer replied. "Why? What is so important about Them," you scoffed in anger. "Hey!" Thirteen snapped at me in warning, "What is up with you today?" she asked.

You take a breath and get up bowing to them before quietly walking out, Thirteen follows you and stops you in the hall. "Wanna explain young man," She growled, "I have gone through too much for you to throw it all away!"

"Look I appreciate the effort but I never want to see them," You say before sighing, "I love my little sister and I miss her and my mother but after the way they treated me, after what they did...I don't think I have the strength to look them in the eyes ever again,"

"Y/n, you don't have a little sister," Thirteen said confused and worried.

"Mia?" You say seeing if it rang a bell but she just shook her head, "Fuck!!" you yelled before starting to pace and pull at my hair.

'They did it to her too!!' you thought your mind racing like a person in a burning building, "Y/n what happened, what are you not telling me," Thirteen said as she grabbed you by the arm.

"Me ending up in the sex trade wasn't by accident," You whispered tears filling your eyes, "What if what they did to me, they did to Mia," A lump in your throat formed as you thought of what might have happened to her, she was only six when you saw her last.

Mia would be eight or nine by now, she would have probably forgotten you as well. Your chest tightened as you fell to your knees at the thought of your sister having been burned by the hot iron, being stripped by an older man twice Daiki's age, being threatened with a gun, or being beaten like Aiko was.

'My Mia, My sister...Mia, sister,' It ran through yourmind like a car on a race track that had no breaks; They hurt her, you promised to kill for her and now you didn't even know where she was. you felt the power of your quirk running through your veins, the pure energy flowing to your fingertips.

"Get me Aizawa!!" A muted voice screamed,

You were blinded by Your own rage and guilt, You couldn't find a reason to live in that moment, the green balls of light that formed in your hands engulfed you in its power. Nothing could reach you, the world was a dark room, one that you aimlessly wandered alone,

Mia was dead for all you knew, your father was a selfish person who only cared for himself. It poisoned your whole family, your mom was chained to him and suffered every day, she shielded you from every beat, every threat, every poisoned word. You helped her you encouraged her, you took care of her but now you were nothing to them.

You were no lobster her shield, you couldn't keep her from the drugs, you couldn't keep your father from her, and everything you did to keep them safe meant nothing now.

As you cried out and felt the energy overtake your body the pressure becoming unbearable, you screamed in pain as went to release the energy. But the feeling of tight binds wrapped around you and the pressure of your quirk decreased as tears stained your cheeks and your vision became clearer.

Aizawa had ahold of you as your soulmates stood behind him in worry, your throat felt like sandpaper and my body felt like jello. "I'm sorry," You cried as you saw the destroyed setting around you, the bindings were released and replaced by strong arms.

"What happened?" Aizawa asked Thirteen,

"I don't know, we were telling him about his family and he broke down," she whispered back, "He did mention a sister, but a little girl never came up in the database,"

"Alright start treating these people with great caution if they left one child without a trace of them ever being there then there's a chance they got rid of the sister too," Aizawa told her before walking over to bakugou.

"Take him back to the dorms then get back to class, no one goes near him unless necessary and for fucks sake do not, I repeat do not get aggressive or do anything to set him off do you understand," Aizawa commanded in a whisper,

"Yeah got it, old man...Ejiro let's go," Bakugou said, Kirishima nodded as he helped me up and let katsuki lead us back to the dorms. "What happened?" Ejiro asked, "Don't know," Bakugou shrugged before looking over at me, "But whatever happened I'll murder whoever I have to, if it means making him feel safe,"

"I think that means no feeling jealous today," Kirishima smirked, "Don't fuck with me, I'm already hanging on by hair-string," Katsuki warned. Kirishima laughed as they got me back to the dorms and sat me on the couch, "Babe can you stay with him while I get some water," Ejiro offered before walking away.

" feel any better?" He asked you, you looked up at him and shrugged before falling back on the couch still thinking of your sister. "Who's the little girl?" Katsuki asked sitting next to you, "You got visions?" you muttered back.

He shook his head and looked over to you, "Always have," he shrugged. "A-always?" "Yep, who's the girl?" katsuki pressed, "My little sister Mia," You breathed.

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