Chapter 8

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A/n: your working out in as a disclaimer I'm not commenting on your physical health or ability, I personally think as heroes bakugou and kirishima would train together daily also they are training to be heroes so I feel like they'd be gym'lcoholic. but most importantly it would add something to the story line for Y/n SO PLEASE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS IS JUST A PLOT POINT NOT ABOUT PHYSICAL HEALTH.

The next day, you were hiding out on your dorm's rooftop because you didn't feel like talking to anyone, especially after rushing out on them. It wasn't their fault you fled like a coward, and you don't plan on confronting them anytime soon; so, for the time being, you listened to your favorite song while watching the sky change as the students on the lawn act like small kids.

You sighed closing your eyes and leaning against the stone wall, shame running through your thought and guilt making you feel like you're about to puke. You felt uneasy just sitting there like you didn't belong...but if you weren't lying to yourself you didn't belong among real true heroes, not you the murder case picked out for an experiment. You would have slaughtered Aiko and Tutsuya if you hadn't lost control that night; if you hadn't lost control, you'd be here on your merit, even in their class. Feeling uneasy as the dead bodies flashed before your eyes as you hear Aiko's muffled sobs, tears streamed down your cheeks as you blasted your music, hiding your face in your knees.

"Found you!" hummed a voice from behind you, "You know I never pegged you as the type to be sorry for yourself," she said sitting next to you. "Pony just leave me alone," you groaned back noticing her pitied smile and long sun kissed hair. "No! I like it up here," she smiled, "And I thought maybe you'd like a friend in your same situation, we transferred around the same time you know," Pony explained, "oh and we're also the only two from the same country!" she laughed.

"I guess" you muttered, "But can I ask, why did you transfer to Japan if you can't speak Japanese?" "Because my dad was transferred out here for work and now I'm here," you explained. She nodded and leaned back with a smile still plastered on her face, "That must suck" "What about you uh? Why did you transfer here?" you spat back. "My dad married my stepmom and I hate her so here I am," she explained. 'At least you still have parents that care about you,' you thought as you got up and walked back down to your dorm without another word leaving Pony alone and confused.
Bakugou grab the set of 90-pound dumbbells and began with some shoulder presses while Kirishima spots him. "Babe, what do you think about asking Y/n out on a real date, you know like to a nice restaurant or something?" Kirishima asked between counting Bakugou's presses, "It's stupid, We can't leave campus dumbass," he grunted back. "Okay, then a gym date!" Kirishima chuckled as Bakugou to a minute to rest before starting his next set of 15. "perv" Bakugou teased wiping the sweat off his face, "Am not!!" he whined with a pout.

"So you don't want to see him sweating with no shirt on, fully exposed while you spotted him," Bakugou commented narrowing his stare with a smirk crossing his face, Kirishima flushed red at the mention of you shirtless doing weighted squats in front of him. "SHUT UP!" he yelp, bakugou kisses his shy partner on the cheek before starting his second set. "can you take this seriously please, Y/n's our soulmate...I don't want to lose him before I've started getting to know him" Kirishima whined. "Fuck shitty hair if it's that important to you, then you plan a date and get it approved I'll just stay out of the way" Bakugou grunted back.

"Fine if your gonna be that way then I will," Kirishima hummed taking out his phone and looking up a few food restaurants, "Drop the phone asshat!!" Bakugou struggled to lift the dumbbells, Kirishima panicked and dropped his phone and took the dumbbells from Bakugou before he dropped them. "90 pounds! Babe the teachers said not to push your workout schedule you should be lifting 70s!!" Kirishima warned putting them back on the rack and giving him the right weights.

You stroll in the door in a tank top and knee-length shorts, your headphones still blasting music, yet you don't notice your soulmates as you move to the opposite side of the training room and begin stretching. They, on the other hand, concentrate on you, watching how your hair fell perfectly around your face, how your arms slightly flexed as you stretched your shoulders, and how your tank top was loosened over your chest so they could catch a peek of your body when you leaned forward ever so slightly. Kirishima couldn't help but observe the angelic boy flinch away from the mirrors, his attention narrow to the floor as he began his workout, bakugou bit his lip with a dominant smirk in reaction to his boyfriend's infatuation towards you.

"Red, more working less staring," Bakugou said getting Kirishima's attention, kirishima nodded and spotted Bakugou while out of the corner of his eye watching you run the treadmill. After a good hour you stopped the treadmill and breathed heavily trying to catch your breath, usually a good run helped clear your mind but it was still hazy. The date you were on just couldn't leave your head, how they kissed you, and how gentle and considerate they were it was nice but for some reason still felt so foreign. But you've known a similar love before but it felt different then how you remembered it, you clench your fists as you stood there sweat dripping down your face and legs trembling from how hard you had pushed yourself.

You felt like you were gonna fall if you stood there any longer, so you grab your towel and water and slowly wobbled over to the bench. You took a sip of your water and began to notice your surroundings, the bright lights, the loud air conditioner, the two boy in the corner helping each other workout, the weight rack, the pull bars. You listed each item in your head to help you clam down but after about a minute you turned you head back to the two boys you saw early and noticed who they really were. 'SHIT' you screamed in your head, how long were they there for...why didn't you notice them before.

You stared blankly as the red head did one handed push ups and as he came up kissed his partner, the blond copied him but with his other arm. You felt a lump in your throat as you turn your gaze away from them and went over to the pull bar, 'just pretend they're not there...they'll go away' you reasoned as you began chin pull-up with you legs crossed and curled up to you butt. You kept playing your music and began to zone out when your arms began to burn from strain, you ignored the pain and tried to keep a steady pace and finish the set before dropping and taking a break.

"Babe did you pack the C4 mix?" Kirishima asked looking through his bag, "Yeah it should be in the front pocket," Bakugou answered and he gulped down his C4 energy drink, the redhead found the mix and quickly put the measured amount into his water before shaking it and taking a gulp. "He look hot in those shorts," Bakugou commented getting a good view of your ass, kirishima looked back and smirked, "Yep," he breathed before kissing Bakugou's neck and pulling him away towards the mats to finish they set.

Kirishima got back into a push up position and so did Bakugou and as they started their finally set, your arms began to fell numb so you gripped loosened and you fell on the unpadded floor. You groaned and laid there holding wrist in pain Kirishima rushed over with bakugou on his heals, "Hey you okay?" he asked and he helped you up, you pulled away from the friendly rock-man and sauntered back to the bench. "Don't ignore me!" Kirishima flustered walking over to you and taking you wrist to examine it himself, you hissed at the suddenness and watch as he trace your wrist with his fingers. "I don't know what's wrong with you but you need to stop running from me," kirishima growled looking back up at you in disappointment, while bakugou brought of the first aid kit.

"Why are you so nice? why'd did I get stuck with you," you muttered as kirishima wrapped you wrist and got bakugou to run out and get you some ice. "There...fixed" Ejiro breathed smiling awkwardly back up at you, "And to answer the stupid question, You stuck with me because fate wanted you to see happiness again...For the past fourish year you've been nothing but anger and depressed, I may not know why but I know it's not what you need right now and I fucking hate it when people I love act like depressed little shits; so get use to me because I'm here to stay no matter how hard and fast you run I will be there," Kirishima monologued with a pissed off scowl across his face making you feel both safe and scared.

"Here's the ice," bakugou said as he came back in and rested the pack on your wrist, "Why're you two all red?" he went on, as he watched your expression of shock turn to embarrassed, "did I miss something?"

Word count: 1660

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