Chapter 5.2

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Chapter 5.2- Another part to chapter 5 because it was short but this was again so fun to make also yes I think midnight would be pansexual and thirteen would be Asexual. And yes MIC IS GAY THERE IS NO FIGHTING THE OBVIOUS

After another boring day at school you quickly head to Thirteen's office, "Y/n!" she beamed giving you a hug

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After another boring day at school you quickly head to Thirteen's office, "Y/n!" she beamed giving you a hug. "How are you, I heard you finally talked to your soul mates, and you've become more open in class!!" she couldn't help but feel pride by your sudden change in attitude, she thought maybe bring the kids here is what gave you the extra push to try something different.

"Damn news travel fast," you chuckled as you both sat down on the couch, "But yeah, that actually what I came here to ask you about," you sighed. You'd come here for advice once before and it was decent so you'd thought she might know something about the whole soulmate this.

"What's up dear?" "I need help, I've never dated anyone before and I wanna get this right but I don't even know if I'm well you know," you started while gesturing to your body, "Gay?" "Yeah that," you gulp biting down on your lip. "uh...I don't think I can help you with this because I'm not into the whole romance thing....but I know who can, just let me give mic a call," she hummed getting up and picking up her phone.

"Present Mic is gay?" "Gayer than Hawks, and trust me that's pretty damn gay," she shrugged as she held the phone to her ear. Within a minute, Mic was busting through the door with the biggest smile and decked out in pride flags. He glanced your way while still being in the until super hero pose and says "Is someone questioning they're sexuality?" Midnight clashed into Mic and fell perfectly into his arms and again looked your way.

"if so my love your gay godparents are here" she slys licking her top lip and winking at you making you feel utterly confused. They smile and sit down next to you, "Alright who are these men, and how can you?" midnight giggled, knowing she was about to get the tea. "I have a 'date' I guess is the way to put it, but it's with two guys and I haven't even kissed anybody yet" you confused with light pink dusting your cheeks and burning ache in your stomach at the thought of being with two guys.

You hides your face in your hands and groan at the thought, when you feel Mic's hand squeeze your shoulders, "Look kiddo, the first time I found out my soulmate was a man I freaked out too...sure I always had a thought in the back of my mind, but I never confronted the thought until I met him" He said.

"What did you do?" you asked looking up at him with the thought of the boys nagging your mind, "At first I completely denied, then after getting to know him the more I realized I couldn't fight what fate decided for me," Mic answered taking his hand from your shoulder.

"So that it, you can't fight fate?!" you felt angered by his response, to think you had no say on who you loved, it was up to some random godly spirit that didn't even have the power to make the world with out crime. You stood up and began pacing, pulling at the roots of your hair in stress, you felt cage like back at the facility like you had been sold with out a say. 

"L/N it's okay to not have control sometimes it's not up to us...but we do have control of our response so why don't you take some deep breaths," Thirteenth said offering you her hand with a shaky breath you took her hand, she led you through some breathing before continuing on the topic. "You're doing so well dear, do wanna keeping talking?" she added, you took your seat again and nodded your head to continue.

"Midnight why don't you give it a shot" Mic offered with a nervous smile, "Alright...okay so Y/N first off you do have a choice with your soulmates, but I'm not going to suggest it until you gave this relationship a try" midnight started, "But about the gay part of your situation, being gay isn't a bad thing and how you know you're gay something you just may take some experimenting but when you find what you like trust me you know" she finished.

"What kinda dating or sex?"

"Yep, I remember all my experimenting was just se-" midnight smiled.

"MIDNIGHT!!...midnight is right-BUT TAKE YOUR TIME!! it's about being comfortable to do the experimenting...don't force it or else you'll never really know if you enjoyed it" he explained.

You nodded your head and start to feel a little more comfortable, "So about the hang out what do I do?" "Just be yourself and let loose allow them to see every part of you, and they'll show you a good time" Midnight winked with a giggle. "uhm can't argue with that good luck kid," mic shrugged before grabbing midnight's wrist and pulling her out of thirteens office.

"uh did that help?" she asked, "A little? but what if the don't like me for me?" "You're being paranoid, now get out of my office," she huffed before pushing you out.

You sighed before deciding to grab an ice cream from the near by drug store, and heading back to your dorm to get ready for this "hang out" the boys hand planed.

You got back to the dorm and decide since you guys were just playing video games to go in an old band t-shirt and sweatpants, you grab a few of your snacks from your secret stash and head over to one-A dorms.

You knock on the door and denki answered his eyes light up at the sight of you, a handsome young man wearing a Metallica fan shirt "KIRISHIMA!!! HE MADE IT AFTER ALL" he yelled toward the living space and he let you in.

The boy with red hair came rushing around the corner and stopped when he saw you standing there awkwardly looking around. He study your perfect body and how your sweatpants just hanging at your hip, he smirked as he watch your die eyes study every detail of the entrance, before making his way into your line of sight.



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