Chapter 9

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"Dude what the fuck did you say," Bakugou asked as he pull Kirishima aside, "I don't know I blanked and just started talking...fuck I hope I didn't scare him," Kirishima answer with an anxious sigh, bakugou looked back and saw you with a confused look crossing your face as you held the ice to your wrist. "Stay here," Bakugou said as he walked away from Ejiro and over to you, he knelt to look at you and saw tears in your eyes. You look Katsuki in the eyes and gulped back your anxiety, "He said he wanted me happy...he's not just saying that is he?" you muttered, you wanted to believe them but what if you hurt them, what if they hurt you, you take that risk.

Bakugou lifted his hand and caressed your cheek, and with his thumb wiped away the forming tears, "He wouldn't lie to you...the idiot too pure for that," he hummed to you, "and he's not the only one that wants you to be happy, fuck I remember the first time I realized Kirishima was my soulmate, I was kidnapped and he came and saved me, he called out and all I could think about was getting to him defending him...And I'd do the same thing for you," he admitted taking your hands in his, you smiled and squeezed his hand before looking up at Kirishima. He was hitting at his lip and he paced back and forth, you and Bakugou then stood up and hugged before you made your way to Kirishima.

"Kirishima?" you said getting his attention, "Thank you," you smiled softly taking his hand in yours. His eyes went big and shined brightly as he smiled back at you, he pulled you into a tight hug, "So can we go on another date?" he asked taking his chance to be super romantic. "I'd like that!" You cheered, Ejiro couldn't contain his joy, he just looked at you and went for it, you felt his lips meet yours but his time instead of being tender and gentle felt more demonstrative and starved, his hands clasped around your hips and he pulled you into him, his tongue intangibles itself with your, the way his hips met your own making you jump impulsively at the contact but soon you melt at the tension. 

Bakugou slid behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist and waited as Kirishima broke away from your heat kisses and left you dazed and weekend at the knees. He tastes like cherries and bitter chocolate, and his lips were soft, but nothing compared to how his heartbeat felt under your fingertips, it was fast and practically pounding out of his chest as he left your virgin lips. Bakugou then with a gracious touch turned your head to the side, he used his thumb to lift your lips to his own he kissed you passively his thumb remained under your chin while his other arms pulled you into him.

His hand traced your abdomens down to the waistline of your shorts, he tasted like a blood orange and hot salt caramel, and you chuckled into the kiss at the fact that he tasted fruity. He pulled away with a confused look making hold-back laughter as you smirked at him, Kirishima and Bakugou shared a look before staring back at you holding a hand to your mouth and blushing as you laughed quietly. "what?" Kirishima asked looking down at you, you crane your neck and whispered "He tastes fruity," you chuckled a little well a smirk crossed his face as he looked at Bakugou. "WHAT?!" Bakugou growled making you both laugh, "Bakugou, I'm sorry!" Kirishima said as he joined you in your hysteric laughter.

Bakugou only huff and grab you by the hips again pulling you into him, your breath hitches as his hands trail your body he pushes you against the nearby wall and watches you as he slowly moves his leg between yours and presses into you. You buck your hip and tilted your head back, as he continued to explore your body he ran his hands under your shirt and grips your hip, pushing you back against the wall. His breath hit your neck before he bit down not only torturing you but also Kirishima, he knew this was a new experience for you so your sense would be heightened making the feel ten times more powerful for Kirishima.

And he wanted to use it to his full advantage, he trailed your neck until he began to suck and lick and leave behind a red mark. Your instincts kick in as the adrenaline rush to your head, and your vision blurs as you unwillingly began to make an energy blast. Bakugou noticed the light and pinned your hands on the top of your head and kissed your lips, whispering in your ear to try and pull you out of your internal instincts to protect yourself. He stopped when he saw your eyes widen in shock and your breath change, he picked you up and held you and you grasped at his back and felt like crying as strange men flashed before your eyes. 

Kirishima pulled himself together and walked over to rub your back, they waited as the attack went on, pulling you in and out of the past and making you feel unsafe and scared. You were confused and felt weak at the words of a stranger you couldn't help but feel like screaming, Kirishima felt your fear and pain and could only sit by helpless and wait for it to pass. Bakugou was sitting on the floor with you in his arm, he held you so tight buried formed but the pain felt tolerable compared to the nightmare you were reliving. Bakugou kisses you on the cheek and wanted to apologize as he ran a hand through your hair and tells you that you were safe.

As you finally came back to them, you were in Kirishima's arms being walked back to the dorms while Bakugou walked beside you both with the gym gear they brought. They seemed full and they silently walked along the school path, "Guys?" you muttered, Kirishima only hushed you as they continued walking. 'shit what memory did they bad was it? could it be they saw that day" You buried your face in Kirishima's shoulder and clutched at his naked back as you thought of the worst. 'I pushed too hard, fuck why am I such a bad boyfriend?!' bakugou thought to himself, 'I was useless again, why do I always do this!' Kirishima's mind wandered.

They got back to the dorm, bakugou put down the gym bags while Kirishima put you down on the bed, you sat up and watched as they whispered to each other. "I'm right here, if you have something to say just fucking say it," you growled at them. They looked at you and then back at each other, "Spit it out, I know who I am if you have a question just ask, I get it my life was shit!" you continued, even if they knew at this point you couldn't care what they knew as long as they stop looking at you like you were some lost puppy. "Y/n you're just being paranoid, all we were talking about was if we need to take a step back and take it a little slower. We're just concerned and don't want you having another attack," Kirishima explained.

You paused then sat back on the bed and sigh holding your head in your hands, "Sorry" you muttered. Kirishima sat next to you and smiled, "you're kinda cute when your nervous!" he commented getting you to look at him, "And you don't have to apologize, we may not understand why you were freaked out but we've all had a PTSD attack or two ourselves; so we get it you don't want people knowing that part of you yet and we can understand that...right babe?" Kirishima hummed with a bright grin Katsuki nodded with a wink and sat next to you on the other side, "Yeah, now about this date, got any ideas?" he grinned as he put his arm around your neck.

A/n: ahh the good thing about being a compulsive writer, y'all are getting spoiled...must have been a good gay month 🏳️‍🌈

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