Chapter 6.1

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ALSO if you have friends or don't give a shit about pronouns or gender I have a new fem reader x Aizawa story out right now, and I have a poetry journal being posted soon so watch out for that if you like reading that kinda stuff, OKAY HAVE FUN

Kirishima led you up to his dorm where Bakugou was sulking on the floor eating a bag of Kara Mucho (Spicy chips, they hot but good) and playing a round of Apex Legends, "He made it!" kirishima glees as he opened the door, Bakugou glance at you two before dying in the game. "DAMN IT SHITTY HAIR YOU MADE ME LOSE!" he barked tossing the controls before sparks fly from his hands, "Not my fault your bad with guns" he pouted as he lead you in and closed the door. "Bad with guns? Bitch I am a gun!" Bakugou scoffed pulling Kirishima to the ground next to him and kissing him roughly.

You awkwardly stand by the bed with your hands clasped together in front of you and you looked anywhere but at the lovebirds sucking each others faces. You rocked back and forth on your heals as they continued to attack eachother with their lips, which made you before uncomfortable and turned on due to the feeling of Kirishima kissing bakugou's neck translating the same sensation onto your neck. "fuck" you whispered to yourself as your face heated up, bakugou heard you plea and looked up at you while kirishima detached from his neck, "You feel that?" he asked.

"Uhm..." you gulped and looked down at him with a beat red face and back away from him, "Y-yes but it's not like it's my fault, It just happened every time an emotions to strong I'm sorry that sounds so pervey" you rambled through your words back away to the door in hopes of escaping. Bakugou bite down on Kirishima neck as he lock eyes with you, with no delay you cupped you neck and held back a whimper in pain. "Stop before you'll scare him off" Eijiro whispered to his boyfriend before offering you to sit next to them.

You sat down and held your knees to your chest as you took some deep breaths, "could you feel shitty hair sucking my dick a few days ago?" you felt your hands trembling at the question because in reality you did, it felt amazing almost like he was teasing you. "Nope" you suddenly spoke before making eye contact with the blonde-headed boy, "Lair," he scoffed before resetting the game.

"Can we talk about something else please?" you asked in response to his comment, "Sure, why don't we play twenty questions to get to know each other better?" kiri offered. "As long as I can keep play I don't give a shit" Bakugou shrugged handing you a controller.

"Cool, why don't you go first Y/n?" Kirishima asked.

"Sure, how long have you two been together?"

"about two years now, okay uhm...Why did you come to UA?"

"Transfered from America, only heroism program that would accept me because of my late entry into the school, your turn bakugou" you expressed before taking down guys in the game.

"Are you a bottom?"

"I don't even know if I'm gay, how would I know if I'm a bottom?" you laughed.

"What?" kirishima breathed, exiting the game before look at you, "how do you know your not gay yet?"

"I don't know, I've just never thought about relationships before so I never tried them out, that and I was always to busy to have one anyways" you shrugged.

"Have you even kissed someone?" Bakugou asked.

"Not willingly so if those don't count...No I haven't" you say looking at they face change from confused to concerned. "Y/n were you?" "Raped? have seen rape? sexual harassed? drugged and assaulted? pick your poison it's probably happened, but I'm here now so no need to dwell on the past," you sighed restarting the game again. "Hold on Brat," bakugou pushed taking the controller from you and setting them aside, "What the fuck, you don't just drop a bomb like that and move on, EXPLAIN!!"

'Shit! couldn't shut up could you' you thought as you felt they're eyes staring coldly into your soul, "no thank you?" you responded cautiously. "okay," "No it's not okay start talking!" bakugou pressed. "it's okay if doesn't wanna talk about it he doesn't have to," Kirishima said. "What if this was the reason we've been" "He doesn't know us he has no reason to tell us anything" Kirishima started. "But we're his soulmates, aren't we allow at least the courtesy of knowing he's safe"

"It's okay Kirishima, What I can tell you is that it wasn't a family member and the people who did it are already six feet under," you explained. "See that's all I wanted!...but really they're all dead, because I wouldn't mind" "BAKUGOU!" kirishima yelled interrupting his offer to kill your abuser. "What?" "Let's just get back to the topic of him not knowing he's gay or something else" kiri offered.

Bakugou groaned and move to the other side of you so you were now in the middle, he grabbed you by the chin and kissed you gently. You stiffened not reacting to the kiss other than with shock as he pulled away, your eyes were wide as your jaw tightened make your teeth grind. "Wow, you really haven't been kissed before!" Bakugou laughed, your cheeks heated in embarrassment as he continued to laugh about your inexperience.

"Sorry he can be such an asshole," kirishima whispered before hitting bakugou, "What" "Dude that was uncalled for!" kirishima said. "Calm your tits, I already kissed you" bakugou scoffed with a smug smile, you were still speechless at bakugou bold move. Kirishima groaned and hit him again and nodded his head to you, "oh sorry, did you not want to be kissed" bakugou groaned.

You looked up at him blankly and bit your lip slightly, your eyes were innocent and big like doe eyes, he hummed at your cute dazed reactions and pressed his nose to yours. "Hey cutie" he chuckled, your breath hitched as you smiled lovingly "hi" you whispered back. "You like" "HEY!? this isn't fair!" kirishima whines before taking no you by the collar making you face him, he pressed his lips to your gently. You smiled into the kiss and he led to utter bliss, he threaded his hand through your hair while his other rest gently caressing your thigh.

He pulled a way and smirked, "Mine, all mine" he commented pulling you into a hugged and relaxed his face into your neck, "I'm gonna order a pizza, you good with veggies Y/n?" bakugou asked pulling out his phone. "uh sure?" "Can we get a cookie pie with it?" kirishima muttered. "no we still have a diet dumdass!!!" "Aww"

Word count: 1165

SoulMates, Kiribaku x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now