Part 12

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You were set up in your new room and you were tired from all of the frustrations of moving but you wanted to check in on the kids. You sigh at your own expense and grovel as you made your way to their shared bedroom. "Aiko? Tutsuya? Where are they?" you wondered, you looked around and the room was split perfectly down the middle Aiko's stuff was neat and perfect while Tutsuya was already a wrecked mess.

You smiled at the little lion perched on Aiko's pillow you remembered the day she got the lion. It was the day you went to court, they had always given kids a stuffed animal or toy every time they had to go on trial. She picked him out of the one hundred others because, unlike the others he'd already looked worn and was missing an eye. You picked it up from her pillow and brushed through its soft fur while you sat down on her bed remembering how you use to sing a cute song called 'Old Mr. Sir' a completely made up song. You rolled your eyes and chuckled to yourself and you hummed the tune...
"We request our witness, we call Aiko to the stand," A young woman said, Aiko jumped off the bench and was escorted by Daiki. He helped her up into the seat and stepped back, the judge looked down at her with a kind adoring smile and looked to the officer. "Hi kiddo, can you put your hand on this book please dear?" the officer asked, she did as he said and repeated after him word for word.

"Hi, Aiko! can you identify who's sitting in that chair for me?" your lawyer asked her, Aiko looked at you holding onto the lion then looked around the room. "That's Y/N," she muttered looking down at her feet, "Okay, do you remember the day you were in the big warehouse and there was a fire?" the lawyer went on. "Yes, that was the day the guards got mad at Y/N and Tutsuya," She replied shifting uncomfortably in her chair.

"Why were they mad?"

"Because Tutsuya hit them then they tried to hit Tutsuya so Y/n hurt them,"  Aiko answered looking up at you with tears filling her eyes. The lawyer looked at the jury and made a small speech while Aiko looked at you, you smiled warmly at her but didn't say anything. "Dear, did you see Y/n set off his quirk?" She asked turning back to the young girl, she nodded her head as she answered with a simple yes, "Do you what his quirk was like?" she pressed. The lady was trying to get a little more detail from the young girl but Aiko was already distressed by having to think about the incident.

"It looked like blue light but I didn't see much else," Aiko recalled. "That's all your honor," your lawyer smiled before turning on her heels and going back to the table. A lawyer dressed in a three-piece suit and wearing leather black shoes stood at his feet collecting himself before approaching Aiko. "Aiko how old are you?" the man asked with a keen smirk crossing his already smug face. "This many," Aiko muttered holding up her hand, "Five?" he repeated, Aiko nodded in response as the man laughed obnoxiously.

"Sir can you trust a five-year-old girl's word or that of the victim, she can be easily persuaded-" "Objection your honor, he's patronizing the subject," Your lawyer intruded with a reddened face. "Sustained, Mr. Mori that will be your first strike," The judge responded in kind, Mr. Mori fixed his hair as he took a breath and eyed the girl again. Aiko took the lion she held and held it to her face her knees curling up to her chest.

She began crying softly as the man crowded her, making her feel smaller than she already felt his hand on the bars in front of her as he leaned in. "Honey I need you to tell the truth did that man over there hurt you," his grin big than the Cheshire cat. "No!" she whined into her lion holding tightly to her chest, it was about half the size of her and covered her mouth and upper body. "I'll ask again, you don't need to look at him he can't hurt you now," he pressed again his annoyance and anger becoming more apparent. "He's my friend!" Aiko said stubborn as a mule, her eyes full of tears while her lip pouted outwardly and brow furrowed. "HE'S NOT!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW DANGEROUS HE IS YOUR JUST A CHILD!!" The man barked.

"MR. MORI RETURN TO YOUR BENCH NOW!" The Judge yelled back banging the hammer harshly, Aiko was now under the built-in desk hiding with her head between her legs, and the lion sitting in the chair above her. "We will be taking a small intermission, both parties will meet back here in twenty minutes and hopefully will have gone over the rules of my courtroom, Dismissed" the judge sighed before standing and walking into her chambers. The officer from before helped Aiko out from under the desk, keeping her in his arms as he grabbed the lion and handed her back to Daiki.

You sighed as your lawyer patted you on the back with a smile, "You're doing great, I'm going to grab a coffee you want one?" she asked. You shrugged her off with a no before she left; Aiko climbed into your lap and hugged you, "He's a meany?" she muttered. "a real nutcase," you huffed in frustration.

You put the lion back on her pillow with a loving smile as long as she believed you nothing else mattered, even losing your parents didn't phase you when you knew they were safe. You get up and walk out, down the long hallway you found yourself wandering down the path thinking about your parents. You had often played scenes out in your head of how they have reacted and if they may have had any remorse for leaving you without warning.

It made you feel empty knowing that they didn't even care to see if you were okay, after visiting you once back in the prison they gave up their rights as parents and left the country. You had no idea where they were and had no clue why they left, but you knew that whatever the reason it was caused because of you. You sighed as you found yourself sitting outside Bakugou's dorm while your mind ran rapidly of possibilities and questions. Kirishima saw you sitting there with your head between your leg then pulled you up and into Bakugou's dorm.

"Stop thinking you're making me sad," he hummed before flopping onto Bakugou's bed and offering out his arms to you. You sat next to him and felt your bay get heavy as you tried to quiet your mind, Bakugou walked into with a glass of water and handed it to you. "Just breath," he groaned before sitting at his desk and starting his homework. A warmth surrounded you and you knew it was your soulmates just patiently waiting for you to calm down, you knew they had been nothing but super sweaty and supportive. "Hey uhm...when do you wanna do that date thing again," you offered, your face flush as you bit down on your lip. "Your sure?" Kirishima asked.


"Then how about tomorrow, we can do a picnic on the grass!"

"Hey, guys! Y/n Kendo wants you for something," Denki said running in with a wide grin, you shrugged as you got up and went to your place on the bed. You headed downstairs, you saw Kendo and Momo laughing in the common room while she wait for you. "Kendo?" you said getting her attention, she wiped tears from her eyes and pulled at your arm taking you outside under the cabana. "Alright Depression when I said I'd get to the bottom of your trauma I meant it, so you aren't leaving until you start talking," She smiled.

You looked around and saw she had decorated the cabana with curtains, big blankets, and pillows, a spread of food was laid out along with some tea and board games. "If I tell you you'll be stuck moving in with class 1-a," you said trying to resist her eager gaze, she hit you over the head. "I didn't waste my time making sure you were comfortable and making this place look decent for you just to push me away young man," she huffed pulling you down with her onto the pillows.

"Did Thirteen put you up to this?" you commented while picking up a strawberry and biting into it. "Maybe, maybe not but that doesn't matter; now stop getting off-topic what happened to you? why do you keep freaking out?" she asked pressing for an answer.

"Fine, I'll tell you but you only have an hour and I get to talk about only what I want to talk about if I skip over something I'm not explaining, and most of all this stay between us!" You said with a hesitant but stern tone, she nodded in response and let you start explaining from the beginning.

Y/n pov:

A little over two years ago I was taken off the streets by sex traffickers, I had only lived in Japan for two months and was still learning the language. So no one understood me but it was worsened when three men cornered me in an ally way when I was coming home from school. They only spoke Japanese and my father had taught me rather than to control my quirk to hide it because it's very dangerous. So not being able to rely on my quirk I got caught quickly...

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