Chapter 6.2

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A/n: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH GAYS, this part is in the third person and don't be afraid to leave your comments I love reading them okay byeee 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈✌️

Y/n was losing 2 to 1 against Bakugou in super smash bros, he was this close to winning when Kirishima came in with the pizza; he felt his stomach growling at the smell but also didn't want to put down the game. "FUCK!!" Bakugou yelled as Y/n made his final move, he jumped up in excitement at his win and teasingly laughed in the blond's face. Kirishima smirked at him bouncing around like a child who just got a new toy, taking notice of the glimmer in his eyes and pinked lips from hyper-focused frustrated biting.

Kirishima hummed at the light atmosphere and how amazing it felt to not have the built-up anxiety in the back of his mind, he gave Bakugou and Y/n a slice of pizza before getting one for himself and sitting between them. "babe you wanna turn?" bakugou asked between bites, Kirishima nodded in response taking his controller. They reload the game and pick out their characters when Denki barged through the door. "What's up?" Kirishima greeted with a smile, "Don't tell Sero I'm here" he whispered before climbing into the closet. "does that happen a lot?" Y/n asked, "unfortunately" Bakugou groaned.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!!" Sero yelled swinging into the room with a flushed face and a scowl scorched across his face, "Who?" Kirishima asked. "Denki?" "What'd he do?" Y/N replied looking towards the raven hair boy, "That ass-hat called me dumb!" he growled looking around like a sniper. "You are a dumb asshole and he isn't much smarter!" Bakugou scoffed in response, "Was he blond with a black streak in his hair?" Y/n asked. "Yeah?" "I think I saw him running that away," Y/N pointed to a set of elevators in the hall, "Thanks newbie!" he smiled before turning back and leaving the room.

"He really is dumb!?" Y/n commented as Denki snuck out of the closet and winked at Y/n with a thumbs up, "Thanks Sparks!" he chuckled before running out. "You didn't have to do that," Kirishima started with a smile, "Did you notice I didn't tell him which way Sero went?" Y/N smirked devilishly. Bakugou laughs a little in amusement making Kirishima chuckle as well, "I'm starting to like this whole situation," Bakugou commented grabbing another slice of pizza.

"Me too, what about you Y/N?" Kirishima smiled, "You guys are great friends," He hummed with a little hesitation, the boys shared a look before staring at Y/n in confusion and concern. "Friends?" Kirishima breathed, "Yeah, you guys are awesome, and such a cute couple!" Y/n smiled before checking their phone for the time, "Shit, I should be going I have an early appointment tomorrow," he said getting up and grabbing what he had brought with him before rushing out the door.

"What was that!" Bakugou fussed in anger, "I don't know," Kirishima muttered in disbelief, did they not share a kiss, did they push him too far, was this too much? Kirishima flopped down on the bed and barrier his face in a pillow while Bakugou paced around ranting. He brought his knee to his chest and hugged the pillow, fighting back flustered tears as he felt his heart begin to race again and the anxiety comes back.

Bakugou paused and felt the tightening of his chest and his breath change, "Fuck, he's having another one" he gasped collapsing to his knees trying to ease the breathing. Bakugou felt his hands trembling in fear as he tried to focus and shut the feeling out, "Kiri!" he cried as his vision blurred. Kirishima looked up from his pillow and finally noticed Bakugou weakened state, he got up and sat on the ground to hold him tightly in his arms. Bakugou laid his head on Ejiro's chest and tried to match Kirishima's calm breathing, "I'm sorry," Kirishima whispered as tears still fell from his ruby eyes.

Y/N ran back to his dormitory and into the nearest bathroom, he threw up and cried silently to himself, he felt horrible about what he said but he couldn't bring himself to trust or get attached to them. It was too close,  if they have ever found out about the things he had done; they wouldn't have stayed, god knows his parents didn't even stay after the incident. He curled into a ball, in the corner of the stall and let the tears fall his face staining his cheek and eyes a bright red.


"Y/N!! where's my baby," asked a tried-looking woman with tears running down her eyes, a man showed up behind her and cradled her in his arms while staring down the officer at the front desk. "Ma'am what's your son's name?" she asks politely. "Y/N L/N, he's 14 a-and.." The woman choked and started to cry into her husband's shoulder, the officer typed away on their computer but with a concerned look picked up the phone a dialed a number.

"Hi, this is Officer Nakano; I'm calling in regards to the 214 picked up on Daikon and Chuo line...Yes, Mr. L/n age 16...His parents are here...I see thank you, you have a good day," Ms. Nakano looked up at the pair with a look of saddened and said, "Your son is being held under justifiable manslaughter and 2nd-degree murder after being found at a sex trade warehouse with 16 deaths and only two other children survived along with him; there is reason to believe your son caused it, and I do apologize but he will be held in contempt until trail...and can only be visited with a lawyer present,"

"Our baby is not a murderer! YOU PSYCHO WITCH, HE WAS KIDNAPPED...HE TAKEN FROM HIS HOME!!" The mother screamed crying, her husband held her back from choking the officer and felt tears run down his face. "If I get my Lawyer down here, may we see our son?" he breathed trying to stay calm, "Yes but he isn't being held here, he's being held at the state juvenile prison in Sapporo; the thing is they have strict visiting hours and he won't be fully admitted into the for another week, but after that, you can visit him from 11-6 only on weekends and holidays, I'm again so sorry and I hope it's not true...he seemed like a really good kid when I meet him," the officer said trying to comfort the parents before handing them a brochure.

"Come on baby, we need to make a few calls" he sighed practically picking up his distraught wife and dragging her out into the rain and back into the car. "I want my baby back!" she whimpered, "I know my love," "There's no way he could do that, he wanted to be a hero" she continued. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove her back home while she went on about her precious son, fiddling with the locket that contained a picture of Y/N, and her daughter and husband.

Y/n had carried the same locket but instead with his parent's and little sister's picture; he pulled it out from his pocket and held it to his chest. He had missed them so much but wasn't even allowed to see them because his father thought he was too "Unstable" to be around people. But it didn't help that his mother divorced him throughout the process of him being pulled in and out of jail.

"Y/N? You in here" a familiar voice called out with a sigh, "Yeah," he replied with a sniffle. Shinso hummed and moved off to his stall and sat lean against the door, "What happened?" "Nothing" He groaned back, "Really, cause from what I've heard from Kirishima something happened" he replied. "Stay out of my business," Y/N groans whipping away his tears and walking out of the stall. "Okay? either you tell me or you can tell Kendo and the rest of the class...what would you rather?" he scoffed. Y/n splashed water on his face before looking back at Shinso, "I'm sworn by the court, Can't tell anyone but thirteen till my stupid trial is over" He sighed "Plus it's not a great story," "Are you telling me you got triggered and ran?" Shinso asked. Y/n simply nodded his head and left the bathroom with Shinso trailing behind him only to be caught by his whole class sitting on the stairs.

"So!?" Kendo started, "I think we're gonna stay friends," Y/N replied moving up the stairs with his head down. Shinso, on the other hand, was stopped by Kendo with a question "What happened?" she whispered, he shrugged his shoulders " said he got triggered, but won't tell me how or what memory...nothing" "Ugh, men...can't be vulnerable for shit" she growled in a huff before stomping up the stairs behind you dragging shinso behind her.

"You don't have a fucking choice now mister, tell me why you're acting like a child before I have to start torturing your friend," Kendo threatened in his doorway taking shinso by the hair, and giving Y/n and the death stare.

Word count: 1577

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