A trip to Grandma's

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Maimuna pov:
I was extremely happy to finally go see munira in the village,she wasn't expecting our sudden arrival so as Grandma ,it's been long i last saw her ever since our break from our junior secondary school ,i couldn't wait to see her facial expression.

We were just few hours past to the village (dad's hometown) when our car got stuck in a traffic for half almost an hour .I slept and woke up ,check the time on my phone saw it was just 12pm.I had my earphones plugged on listening to Meghan Trainor's song on my phone ,suddenly my stomach started grumbling i was hungry the last food i eat was by 6:00am before dad and i embarked on a journey to Nassarawa state by 7:00am dot .Dad got to park at a filling station and immediately dropped down to go check what was happening


something tapped on my window at the back seat, making me look sideways to the sound direction. I gently presssed the car window down gaining access to the cool breeze blowing my face and looking at the girl smiling

Aunty....Aunty..Aunty.... A group of young girls came running forward immediately i slide the car window down

ki saya .....ki saya .....ki saya....they said bringing in their buckets of fresh hot fried bean cake unto my face

Ku tsaya karku zuban min da kaya....Aunty nawa zaki saya ni na fara zuwa nan (Wait please don't pour my beancake on the ground....Aunty you are buying mine cos i came here first) the girl said pouting, struggling to get herself free from the older ones

DanAllah ku bi a hankali,kar ku ji ma kanku(please take things easy,don't injure yourselves) I said to the girls calmly

nawa duk daya? (How much per one?) ....i asked the little girl while searching for money in my handbag

Goma(10) she replied back smiling widely as her eyes fixed on my direction

Toh gashi a sa min na dari uku (Here put 300 naira own for me) I said handing her the money towards her.The rest of the girls dispersed from the sight running towards other cars to get theirs sold

she quickly fetched it for me in a black nylon and even added some few extras for me

Aunty gashi(Here aunty) she said smiling and handing over the black nylon to me

nagode,ermmm...DanAllah za ki tsaya min ruwan sha wannan shagon (Thank you,ermmm... Please will you buy water for me in that shop) i asked pointing towards the kiosk shop just close by the filling station

eh Aunty (yes aunty) she replied giddily

Toh ,nagode gashiii (ok ,thank you here) i said handing over a 150 naira unto her to get me a bottle water

she quickly collected it ,dropping her basket on the floor on my own watch and ran as fast as she could to the kiosk.

Just in time after handing it over to me ,i gave her the remaining change as a token fee for the stress and also for the respect she was giving me .Shortly after dad came in no time,when i was almost done eating,handed me a nylon with fried rice and chicken packaged in a transparent take_away which he got from the restaurant got the car tank filled up and we quickly embarked on our journey. We passed through many pitholes,bumpy roads,gutters etc before arriving into the main gate entrance of the village  which read Barka da shigowa Gwalada ( Welcome.to Gwalada ).

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