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It was after school hours and we were all out in the dinning hall when I sighted her from afar so I walked towards her to sit right next to her.

She heaved a sigh in disappointment right after seeing me

Not you again I heard her say as she stuffed her mouth with an adequate amount of sphagetti in it

Yes me again I said happily. Today I was in a good mood and I wasn't allowing little miss Wednesday here ruin my day with her sadist face or anyone else even if it's not her

Are you having fun with all this Charade ? She asked not sparing me a glance as she focused on eating her spaghetti

I rolled my eyes before forcing a smile on my face as I place my hand on her hair gently massaging it.

Don't she threatened holding my hand as she dropped it firm into the air

Okay okay.. I said in pure annoyance.

Ok Fauziyah or whatever your name is ,I was just trying to be kind okay besides are you always like this ? I asked out of curiosity.

I mean look around you , you are always alone . You are okay with looking unkept, you are always sad it think that's what scares people from bullying you and you just have no friend you are always lonely. Never have I  ever seen you with a friend in this school I said 

Who cares? She simply said shrugging her shoulder

I don't believe in female friendships there's a lot of lies ,hates, competitions and jealousy in it she replied

Besides we are even you also don't have friends. She said and upon saying that she looked up at me waiting for my next expression

No I immediately answered looking around the dining hall I really figured I had no friends other tables seemed filled up with voices of laughter and talks etc Upon looking back at Fauziyah I caught her laughing a bit.

For the first time I noticed how pretty she is . She just seems like a thug but there's really something about her that I really like .

You agree we are at the same side now right She said gaining my consciousness

You and I are too opposite people, you're more of a tomboy and I'm just an ordinary girl I said

Trust me seatmate you are more like a Spoilt brat. Everyone knows that which is why you knew you had no friends so you came in to confide in me to offer to be your friend She said tossing her now empty plate to the other edge of the table.

That's not true I clearly denied .

Well if you say so she said standing up from the table .

After she left ,I took a look at my almost untouched bowl of spaghetti as I sighed before taking a handful spoon of sphagetti in my mouth.

Once again Fauziyah was right ,I literally had no friends in this school and it was all because of that useless boy name Abdul Maleek. Had I known ,I wouldn't have agreed coming to this school in the first place I said feeling miserably.

A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my reverie as I felt a bottle of Fanta being poured into my hair sliding it's way down to my uniform, making me look all soaking wet.

I stood up in anger only to find the 3 most wanted bullies in our class laughing at one another as they shaked hands. I turned around to find people in the hall but juniors and my mates laughing out loud only few were found not laughing but instead annoyed by the act.

I fought back the tears in me as I rushed myself out of the hall bumping into someone on my way out. I felt a tight grip on my hand from the person I just bumped into. Looking up , my eyes met Fauziyah's. It was as if she never left the hall .

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