New Day New school

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I believe this is were we say our goodbyes maimuna said holding unto her bag as she glanced at 9th grade science class

Uhmmm.. it's I answered back

We got enrolled into a new school this week. I was to be taken into admission for my science class while maimuna filled the form for the art class.She always had a thing for art which made her happy studying it

I'll get going now she said pushing open the door before I turned and walked straight to my class.

As expected I heard voices,not just one voice but lots of voices that turned into noises. I cleared my throat to gain some attention before I scanned my eyes almost through everyone present in the class.

Hello you're welcome the woman standing in front of the class whom I presume is the class room teacher said

Your name she said with a warm smile placed on her face

My name is Munira Kabir I replied

Ahh! The transfered student ,I heard you're twins right?

Yes I said

That's nice come forward please

Class here's your new classmate ,her name is Munira and she's new here so please be kind and nice towards her ok

Yes ma'am the class chorused but not everyone thou some kept quiet,while some wrote notes ,others mumbled words I couldn't hear while the rest answered

Find a place to sit, when you do find one make it your permanent sitting space ,we have enough sits here she said

Or is anyone willing to be ........

I knew her next statement would be is anyone willing to be my seatmate so I had to beat her to it because I never ask to be someone's seatmate I always chose and shall always do so

No need for that aunty I quickly said

Aunty she asked surprised

No sweetheart call me miss Shauline, I am not only your English teacher but also your school Proprietress

I smiled a bit ,rolling my eyes

What's this? High school princess classroom,Am I in some sort of a barbie world? I asked inwardly

I scanned through the classroom until my eyes landed on a girl's face whom looked expressionless and was busy making notes . I had my eyes on her ever since I walked into the class ,she Nonetheless seemed interesting to me  so I decided to walk up to her with a faint smile and seat.

Good! I guess it's settled then

Yusrah meet your new seatmate Munira

Hello she said with a smile
Hi I replied back with a smile

Let's continue....
Essay writing is ............

The class continued and the murmurs died


I love your name, it's actually nice really I said

Thank you Bahija replied sincerely

And her four eyes  Habeeba started off

Bahija let out a low grunt as we all busted out in laughter

How do things work in this school? I asked I see everyone has literally freedom to do whatsoever he wishes,you guys make use of tabs ,wifis and also have a free yet adequate meal for lunch

What do you expect? From a school paying half a million a term and one of the top 5 best schools in Lagos, u certainly expect this much sweetheart Habeeba said pressing her phone

Yours will be available to you in the ICT hall before the end of the school day

Cool I answered.

What about you? I asked Bahija who was just sitted by the

What about I? She questioned back

What I mean is don't you have a tab like everyone here does

Ofcourse I do! I just prefer making use of the library than all this man made invented technology that weakens our creativity due to overworking it

Ah!nerd! Habeeba said sarcastically

She lifted her hand lightly slapping habeeba's shoulder

I laughed at the duo banter feeling happy to be in the same class with this two .

Hey! My seatmate walked up to me ,this time with a proper smile on her face

We didn't get to have a proper introduction with you due to the algebra class commencing.

By the way My name's  Boluwatife. Boluwatife Samuel .You can call me Bolu for short

Nice meeting you Bolu,I am Maimuna Kabira

I see you three getting along ,I will catch up with you later she said in her deep voice

I turned akwardly facing the duo

They both bursted out in laughter keeping me in suspense

She's a girlboy, a tomboy . Basketball,football,volleyball whatever sport it is name it she's into it. Bahija said

Nice! I know whom she would perfectly get along with interms of athletes I said my mind drifting off to Munira

Mind you she's a ten in terms of academic Habeeba added

Well that I'm not too confident about that when it comes to Munira I thought inwardly

Who's this sis of yours they both asked

Munira Kabir and she's a pain in the head I simply added

Lunch Baheeja asked standing up from the seat
Shall we?

We shall we said moving out of the class making our way towards the cafeteria


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