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Yesterday i slept with my so loud room mate (Khairat) who also happens to be my seatmate . Honestly speaking I had the same look on my face every single day .

Hey Nasreen said with a smile on her face as she walked up to me

Hi,long time no see I responded back with the same positive energy coming from her

I heard our exams are around the corner how are things going for you She asked

Sitted right Infront of her desk as she turned facing me from behind her desk.

As usual we never finish planning for the big day unless the bid day really does arrive I said

Uhmmm she said nodding her head

And how's Yasmeen ,your little sis I haven't been seeing her around in school I asked

Oh she's fine, probably occupied with books and friends that you didn't get to notice her she answered back

I guess so I said nodding my head in total agreement I know how playful the kids in the junior sections can be. I have been there once so I know how it feels .

Oh hi there, I was caught off talking to Fauziyah that I didn't even notice you sitted next to her she said to Khairat who was busy flipping the pages of her note

Isn't it obvious ? Are you blind or what? I have been sitted here ever since you waved at Fauziyah it's not like I left and came back or something Khairat said bluntly

My apologies for that she said

Fauziyah I will catch up with you later ok Nasreen said gently tapping the back of my hand before looked back at Khairat before facing her seat.

So where do you know This girl from ? Khairat asked from nowhere

Why the sudden question? I replied back focusing on my note as I read along the lines a little bit out loud

Nothing I just guess you both seem to get along together and it's my first time seeing her approaching you besides she might know if your dad really is a..........

The sound of footsteps made the whole class murmurs die as Miss Collins our Chemistry teacher walked in . It wasn't the period for Chemistry class so everyone was suprised seeing her in the class.

Fauziyah, Khairat, Modupe, Florence and Amina to the Counsellors office now! She said her voice laced out with authority

Looks like someone is in trouble someone shouted as we headed out of the classroom together

Most people in the class laughed except for the very few I noticed with the likes of Yuna ,Joe and Nasreen not to mention the other few I was less worried about.

I am utterly disappointed in you all she said as we all made our way towards the Counselling room.

Go in and wait for me I will be back she said before disappearing off

We all looked at one another before finding an appropriate seat to all sit on without saying a word to another

Miss Collins was back with few yet the most important school officials.

SS1 students what's going on with you guys ? Mrs Kenneth the school principal said.

No one answered but kept mute

Anyways I tried contacting your parents and guardians , they will be here any moment from now to join us in this guidance counseling.

It was as if a war was waged on the moment the door opened parents were on the neck of another.

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