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Being a part of the girls in Success School means being an All rounder A in all what you do. Come to think of it the girls in my school have parents with big cars, big phones and lovely well sown uniforms  infact they eat the best food and drink the best drinks they can afford at their convenience.

Hey what's up what are you thinking of lately Maimuna said sitting beside me

I turned sideways looking at her in a nonchalant manner

I guess as much you still don't like me do you? She asked once again

This time around I pretended looking at my nails as she only laughed and said

Take care I will be off now

Upon her departure,I hissed in absolute disgust. That girl was my rival in terms of everything. She was closer to Hija,had better grades than I . She was just too much and i felt i couldn't be like her no matter how hard I tried

Ermmm..... I heard someone saying from my behind. I turned round only to find Habeeba few steps away from me.

Hey! What was that for? She asked as I stood gently  approaching  her

What was what for ? I asked acting oblivious

You both don't get along right ,maimuna and you she asked as we both marched towards our classrooms in unison

You aren't saying anything Yusrah she said halting right infront of the classroom door .

I stopped as well looking at her face before gently opening the classroom door and walking in.

This left Habeeba dumbstruck as she stayed for a while before entering into the classroom and grabbing her seat .

Classes were over and it was time for everyone to vacate to their respective homes . Almost everyone left except for few

Munira I said tapping gently on her desk to gain her attention

Yusrah what's up!She asked raising her head as she yawned out loud

God I'm so tired today she said rubbing her eyes

Hey I was wondering if you could teach me Economics, especially this tabular form here I said

She laughed out loud before being serious

You must be kidding right she said

Why me when you know I'm bad at such subject. Anything calculations or big grammars please count me out but if it's paintings or sports I'm in she said

My apologies sweetheart she said tapping my hand as she placed her head on the desk to rest.

I heaved a sigh as I looked round the class. The only option I had was to walk towards the last person I wished to go to Maimuna

Can you please teach me how to solve this? I said passing my note unto her

For a while she stared at me like I had two heads before clearing her throat.

Sure let me see she said holding the note in her hand

So you see this is quite simple all you have to do is....... She went on for minutes explaining the equation until I finally understood.

Thank you I said upon finally understanding what I was being taught.

You're welcome she said fixing her glasses at the brim of her nose with a sweet smile on her face.

I tried hard not to roll my eyes as I walked past her bumping into Bahija with a hand full of notes as they all fell on the ground.

Squatting down I helped her pick her notes before standing back up to leave

Bahija I heard maimuna say halting me right  in my tracks

Actually I was thinking if it's okay we come visit you this weekend and also get to learn more on essay and letter writing . Only if you don't mind our company I mean Munira and mine she said pleadingly

Ermmm..sure why should I ? Infact I would love that Bahija said excitedly

Great then weekend it is Maimuna said with the same excitement as Bahija

I rolled my eyes as I stomped my feet in utter annoyance at the trio. Once again I felt Maimuna was overdoing stuff to get things in her favor.

I really don't care where ,how or when it's going to take me but i know i will be rich enough to make and tell my story how i want it to be.

Hey Yusrah! I heard a familiar voice calling out to me from afar . It was Bahija

I wasn't turning back because never do I want to bump into that so called girl Maimuna and also never do I want to be involved in their boring chit chats as for Munira, I really had no issues with her she seemed pretty naive and also a girl I felt I could just woe and have my way with

Being a part of the girls seems like a contest to me and I had to do what it takes to be the best in all I do.


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