Once Upon A Springtime (05)

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"Mommy? Will you sleep with me tonight?" Little Ari asked after she finished reading a story to her.

She thought for a while and shook her head.

"I can't princess, your daddy might look for me." She answered and wondered why it is so natural for her to react that way.

It's as if she was used to sleep beside King Armand inside the palace.

"He won't look for you. Afterall he's at the party, probably having a good time with Alice the witch!" The Princess even rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Who's Alice?" She asked.

"Oh, she's Daddy's fianceè while you were away." The little girl answered as if it was nothing.

"Really?" She asked and made a decision right there and then.

"Princess, c'mon. Hug mommy. I'll sleep here." She said and transfixed herself on the bed to hug the girl.

Should Lea looked at the little girls face, she should have seen the wicked smile from the mischievous princess's face.


After the party, King Armand went to his chamber. He was expecting to find Lea there but to his suprise and dissappointment, she's not there.

Using his telepathic ability he tried searching for her but he failed.

His forehead creased, of course it won't work. She's not Cordelia.

They may have the same face and for some reasons she have his son but Lea is not Cordelia and he wanted to get mad at that thought but for some reasons he can't.

He knew they are not the same person because Cordelia and him always have that special bond that connects them, he can easily connect to her through their mind link no matter how far they are from each other and that connection was gone, it was gone the day he lost her.

He tried calling the court lady that he assigned to Lea and was advised that Lea is still at the crèche .

He decided to go there, he first went to Percy's room. He needed to confirm that Percy is his son.

"Percy?" He said as he entered his room. The kid is reading a book.

He came over to him and sat by tye edge of the huge bed.

"Hello!" The little kid replied.

"Ahm— Percy? I wanted to try something, will you hold my hand and look into my eyes?" He asked and the child obeyed.

King Armand and tried to link his mind to the child.

"Prince Daniel Perseus of Leandale, can you hear me?" He called to his mind to see if the child will be able to hear him.

"I'm a what Sir?" The child answered and King Armand immediately enclosed the child in a tight embrace, he have no power to bring memories back but he have the power to make his child felt their familial connection.

"D-daddy?" Percy whispered and finally hugged him back.

"That's right my little one. I'm your father." He cannot ask him to tell him what happened when they lost him at sea when Cordelia died because not only that he is too young to remember but he actually thought that Percy died that night too.

He saw how the waves of the ocean took his son from him, he tried to go after him but the force of the water pulled him away from his son.

He went back to the kingdom that day carrying the dead body of his wife and buried her by the waterfall.

The Script (LeAga at The Movies : Vol 02) Seasons Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now