In The Land Where We Fall

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Hellowie everyone!

This is just the usual authors note at the beginning of the story, you can skip this one if you want heheh.

Anyway, as you may have noticed I have incorporate the titles of the stories based on the seasons and it is not in chronological order because--- that would be cliché isn't? (Actually trip ko lang talaga. Charot.)

Sooooo-- for our second story, this is going to be based on the movie Original Sin starring Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas.

I'm not sure if you've seen it but that movie came out in 2001 under the genre of romance/thriller. So yes, maybe you'll notice that this book is not going to be our usual chick flick like the first book, I'm not really sure if you guys are going to be down for it but trust me, I think it's going to be fun! (Ready na po tayo sa mature roles!) Hahahah

Kidding aside, the movie itself was set in the 1950's where mail order brides are still a thing, not sure why but maybe they have a shortage of women back then ei? lol--- but for the sake of our story, we will make this a little more modern. I haven't delved into writing a periodical novel yet, maybe I will in the future but--- we'll see.

I've been busy reading this past two weeks trying to learn more on how to write fantasy and more action packed stories, yep! That's how I did it-- I read to learn how to write but you know-- I still have my own technique.

This is not going to be a long AN-- and oh! This might have some Pride and Prejudice vibe thrown to it here and there only because---- wala lang ulet, Original Sin and Pride and Prejudice are a little alike kasi, I think Original Sin is like more mature and more dark than Jane Austen's piece.

So ayun na nga-- I recom that you watch Original Sin movie because (potangn* ang hot ni Angelina!!!!) Hahaha ! But seriously-- it was worth watching!

And lastly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for still reading and supporting my works though medyo mabagal ang UD natin this past few weeks, I'm trying my best to catch-up since I will be busy na naman sa training next week and I'm afraid baka mas bumagal ang UD... Pero kakayanin naman siguro. Eheheh!

So let's start the journey In The Land Where We Fall.

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