Once Upon A Springtime (Epilogue)

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Spring of 2023

"You really should go to sleep." Queen Ariela told the ten year old girl lying on the bed.

She glanced at the clock and it read past 2AM in the morning.

The castle is already quiet.

"I'm hungry." Atasha answered instead and the Queen could only sigh.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked,  internally battling in her mind whether to call for a court lady or just prepare the food herself.

"I want burgers and fries." The little girl requested and the Queen had no choice but to prepare the food herself because she was the only one who knew how to make that kind of food in the castle anyway.

"Let's go." She said as she stood-up from the bed.

The girl immediately followed her, clad in her nightgown.

"Can you continue the story? What happened to the King and the Queen? Did she returned?" Atasha asked just as she finished preparing their food.

She decided to make one for herself as well as she felt a bit hungry too.

She took her time in sitting down and pushed one of the plate in front of the girl.

She really don't want to tell her parents story over and over to Atasha at it still breaks her heart.

How long was it was since she last saw her mother? 30 years?

Time works diffrently in Leandale and given her genes, her body stopped aging when she turned 25, she bet her mother and father didn't look a day over 25 as well.

Her mom given she's a Goddess and her father for a whole different reason.

She took a glance at Atasha who looks like she's still waiting for an answer.

"She never returned Atasha, and as for the King--" she took a deep breath before she continued.

"He searched for her, just as Queen Cordelia made him promised." She added, she doesn't even had the heart to call them Mom and Dad in front of Atasha.

She cannot afford to break down in front of her especially that Perseus is not here.

"Did he ever found her?" Atasha pushed for more question more than Ariela prayed for.

"He did--- for 30 years he never stopped. He actually found her once." She said and smiled bitterly.

"If he found her, then why is the story still have no happily ever after?" The ten year old innocently asked.

"The curse hadn't broken yet has it?" The girl quickly added when she realized the answer to her own question.

"Yep." She answered and the little girl looked sad. "But--- you know.. that one time that he actually found her he received an amazing gift from the Queen." She quickly added as well in hopes to cheer the little princess up.

"What is it?" Atasha excitedly asked with her eyes glimmering in anticipation.

"Well, the King may not be able to take the Queen back but when her returned--- he brought a princess back."

Atasha's eyes widen in disbelief, questions are visible in them.

"I-I'm that princess, aren't I?" She asked rhetorically and Ariela nodded her head in confirmation.

She know that Atasha is smart enough to realize that her favorite story was the story of their parents.

Their father brought Atasha back in Leandale when Atasha was just barely four years old.

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