In The Land Where We Fall (Prologue)

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Fall of 2000 - Present time
Perth, Australia

"Your honor, members of the Jury, my name is Atty. Peter Bowles, representing the defendant, Azalea Wayne in this case."

"And how does she plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor."

Lea just stood there, her hands cuff wearing that awful orange prison uniform, her eyes unseeing.

How did she got herself in this trouble?

The first witness took the stand, she didn't even bother listening.

"Tell us, Ms. Angel Smith, is it true that the accused Mrs. Azalea Wayne, together with her lover, Mr. Robert Sandler, abducted you and threatened to kill you, so that she can take your place to marry Mr. Aga Wayne?"

Upon hearing Aga's name, Lea's attention automatically caught.

She fought her tears to escape from her eyes.

"Objection!" Her lawyer shouted as he made his point across, citing the irrelevance of the information to the case.

Again, Lea paid no attention, she just looked at the window.

It was already autumn, the beautiful color of russet filled the atmosphere, serene and almost calming, the exact opposite of what she is feeling right now.

The banter inside the court continued, but she didn't cared.

She just wanted this to be over.

Due to the lack of evidence whatsoever, the jury decided to reconvene the court proceeding in two weeks.

Lea's shoulder drops at that.

Can't they just decide to put her behind the bars for life? Or much better if she will be sentenced to death.

"Mrs. Wayne, please cooperate! If you are not going to tell the truth you will die!" Her lawyer fraustratingly told her when they reached a conference room.

"Tell me, what really happened? And what about Ms. Smith? She's a wildcard player here. Why didn't you tell me about her?" He fired questions again but she have no intention of answering him.

"Azalea. We could lose." Peter's voice changed from professional voice to his familiar friendly one.

"Do you think I still care?" She asked back and the man just shook his head in disappointment.

"Do you think this is what Aga wanted to happen?" He asked back in a furious tone and Lea laughed deviously.

"Would it matter? He is dead! He is dead because of me Peter! Me! I lead him to death! So don't bother defending me! I deserve this!" She shouted in anger, pain, regret and heartache.

The man looked at her in pity and Lea hated pity.

She doesn't deserve that after what she had done.

"Tell me honestly Azalea. Did you even loved him? Or was it all just a part of yours and Robert schemes?" He asked while intently looking at her.

She just stared at her hands and didn't answered him.

"He loved you." Peter added and the tears flows again.

"I know". She answered in vain. "And I don't deserve it Peter."

"Do you really want to die?" Peter asked and she nodded.


"If dying is the only way so I can see him again, then I would rather die Pete." She said in all the honesty that she can gather.

"And you said you didn't love him?" The guy said unbelievably while shaking his head.

"Yes." She answered, not even recognizing her own voice anymore.

She was so use in lying that she herself cannot even identify what's the truth anymore.

"It wasn't love Peter, and it's never going to be." She firmly said and stood-up from where she was sitting.

She already noticed some of the policemen are already hovering by the door.

"I will be back tomorrow Azalea, I'll give you the whole night to think this through." Peter told her when she reached the door.

She waited for the policemen to assist her.

She was about to walk-out when Peter speaks again.

"Please fight Azalea, if it's not for you, then do it for him."

Lea bowed her head as she let the policemen to escort her back in her cell.

The moment she steps inside her cell, that's the only moment that she let her weakness took over her.

She kneeled on the floor while crying silently.

She felt someone put it's hand on her shoulder.

She lifted her face and saw Rowie a fellow prisoner she met and instantly became her friend on her first day there.

They never really talked about their life outside the four corners of thei cell but for some reasons they just clicked.

"Azalea, what really happened to you?' she asked. Rowie doesn't sound nosy she sounded like she genuinely care.

"Why are you here?" She added.

"I-I am---" She cleared her throat before continuing . "Murder." She briefly answered and the woman nodded as if she understands.


"Love, Rowie. I fell in-love that's why I'm here." She said, staring directly into the other woman's eyes.

"I understand. Love can make us do crazy things Azalea." Rowie said in understanding, but Lea knew. She will never be understood.

"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm here to listen." She offered and Lea was caught in a deep thought.

There was only the two of them inside that cell, it's not as if the woman can tell her secrets to anyone.

She smiled bitterly at that thought.

"Are you willing to hear the boring tale of my life Rowie?" She asked and the other woman smirked.

"Your case is murder girl, I don't think that's going to be boring." The other woman answered amd they both laughed at that dark humor.

Once their laughter settled down, Lea took a deep breath, here it goes.

She better tell her tale now before she cower again.

"Lost. I was lost Rowie." She started and the woman look at her confusedly.

"And then--- He found me."

The Script (LeAga at The Movies : Vol 02) Seasons Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now