New people

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Another party in a relatively brief time.

Another dreadful night I have to somehow survive without reaching for the little colourful help in my purse. I've made a deal with myself – learn how to have fun without deadly artificial help. If other people can enjoy themselves at parties, the only substance being alcohol, I can do the same. It cannot be that hard.

I take Leo's hand and together we walk inside. It's a huge house, elegant and modern. Modern paintings hang on the high walls, a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the hallway. It's like a cut out from a perfect magazine.

I take in the lovely details of the house, admiring the choice of decorations and furniture. And wondering who's so irresponsible to risk his house like this.

Leo leads the way to the bar. The number of bottles occupying the front and back, as well as the floor. Bottles of all kinds of alcohol, spiking one's imagination to order whatever drink they want.

The barman, a man in his middle twenties, with dark brown hair and dark eyes, smiles at us as we approach him. His eyelashes are long and shiny, the kind women wish to naturally have.

Leo studies the menu, I patiently wait by his side, looking around. I have no particular interest in a drink at the moment, so I let him choose something, silently wishing he hasn't decided to experiment.

What am I even doing? I ask myself as my eyes subconsciously search for not only Mae, but her two male friends too. I'm subconsciously searching for two people I've never met, for two strangers whose names are mysteries to me.

Leo's arm sneaking around my waist brings me back to reality. The sweet, loving look in his eyes and the warm smile awaken guilt in me.

I push a smile on my face. A smile I hope he buys.

"You're alright with meeting my friends, right?" He asks.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

That's a lie. At this very moment I don't want to meet anyone. I want to turn around, walk home and be alone. I'm not good company at this moment.

"Then let's go," he takes my hand. "They're excited to meet you."

Excited... the emotion I should feel now. The one emotion I shouldn't be missing.

With small steps I hurry after Leo, breathing deeply. Anxiety blurs my visions, makes my free hand shake, my chest tightens, and my breathing becomes uneven.

Still I smile when he introduces his friends.

I was expecting more of them. Only three girls and three boys, two clinging so close to each other I understand they're happily in love.

"I'm Stephanie, nice to meet you." A girl with blond hair, straight like a ruler, dark blue eyes, offers me her hand. Hesitantly I study her look and shake her hand. Her eyes are dark, almost like Leo's. But... dark in a different way. Not dark like the night sky, dark like the deadly ocean at the very bottom. It's like a monster might escape through them any second, or deadly ice. There's danger in her eyes, a kind that only reminds me of Florida.

Fake, that's what I notice in her eyes. She's fake.

Another girl, Agnes, smiles at me more generously. A real smile with real emotions in her amber eyes. Her hair in two braids gives her a youthful look, making her look so much younger than the rest of them. For a second I think she's someone's younger sister, but when I notice the tattoos on her forearm and drink in her hand, I change my mind.

"I've heard a bit about you," she whispers to me with a smile. Her accent is strongly British. I can't help but copy her smile. "Let me tell you some secrets about Leo."

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