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"I'm offended," Nina states. "You've been ignoring me."

I wish I could tell her she's overreacting. Truth is, I've been busy designing choreographies, focusing on unusual formations, and trying to actually learn them. Alex has been smoothly invading my life more and more, including his friends. Most days I've somehow spent time with them, and pushed Nina aside. I've been too busy trying to figure out what's going on between Alex and I, to realise I've essentially just been playing along with his game. With no satisfying outcome.

"Me too," Jonah adds.

"Shut up, you're at least dancing with her."

"That's not the same," he objects.

"At least you're spending some time with her."

I sigh and shake my head. "I apologise. How can I make it up to you?"

Nina smiles at me, the corner of her lips turning upwards in a sly smile. "Come to a party with me tonight."

Without as much as giving it a thought, I shake my head. When Nina's eyes turn into a pleading look, I sigh.

"Whose party?"

"My friend's sister's goodbye party. She's leaving to travel around Europe next week, and this is her last party."

"I say we go," Jonah breaks the silence. I had forgotten about his presence. "We all need some fun in our lives. A little distraction."

"You've been having a lot of distractions lately," I point out.

"It's important to live a little. Especially our age."

Nina patiently waits for my answer, eyes scanning my whole face. Eyebrows slightly raised, a small hoping smile on her face. "So? Will you join me?"

Truth is I have nothing better planned for tonight. And Jonah's right, maybe I need a good distraction. A distraction from Alex, too.

I nod my head. "I'll think about it."

She squeaks in excitement, clapping her hands together.


Announcing the end of the class, all kids erupt into joyful screams and squeaks. I watch their parents pick them up, only a few stopping by to ask about their child's progress. It's a routine for both the parents and the kids – drop the kids off at the academy, then pick them up later. They all seem to be in such a rush I'm suddenly reminded of the reality of living in a big city. Life does move fast, too fast sometimes.


Ace's voice cuts the air and my eyes land on him, and I'm not sure who's more surprised. Him, me or Sarah?

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

Sarah looks from me to him, then back at me, then continues packing her little backpack. All while Ace slowly enters the studio, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why did no one tell me you teach Sarah?" He dedicates his words to Sarah, eyes glued to her little back. She chuckles at his remark, but pretends to ignore his words. "Why didn't your brother tell me?"

"How am I supposed to know? Ask him." She casually replies. "He's always with you, not me."

"Don't be jealous."

"You're not worth it."

Sarah sticks her tongue out at Ace, which Ace copies. So small and fragile, yet packed with such sass. She's resembling Alex in so many ways, and the more time I spend with her, the more I spot the similarities.

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